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Cole POV
Here is the thing I had a rough past and I am scared for what she will do when she finds out. See I grew up in a great family parents that loved me and an awesome sister. But one day I came home from school and they were all dead. I lashed out and got my best friends and told them what we needed to do. So we became the Texas Crew. I don't know why I chose this path but it just happened. It isn't as bad and Trystan's back story though.
See Cole had a rough past but I had a worse one. My parents died when I was 10 and I wanted to be like my dad well my dad wasn't the best he was mean to people so when I found that out I just thought why not. So when I met Cole and he had his rough past I decided to help him out. Now you think Marcus's story is going to be the worst, but in reality nothing bad happened to him we just became friends and he joined us. Pretty simple right. The girl we kidnapped has her friends to keep her safe well not anymore.
I have had a really good life so far nothing bad until I got kidnapped. My parents are still alive and I have two sisters and all but I have my two best friends Skyland and Alyshia. They both had good pasts they both believe in Jesus I mean Skyland does more then Alyshia but still she believes in him so now that I have been kidnapped I need them more then ever where are they?????????

Kidnapped By The Texas CrewWhere stories live. Discover now