I Need To Clear This Up

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Okay well after reading my last rant and some comments I feel like I didn't make it clear enough.

I am okay with books about abuse. One of my gorgeous friends, Rachelle has written two books called Grey's Tribute and Fin's Claim. They do have abuse in them but I still think they are some of the best damn books I have ever seen in my life.

If you haven't read them wtf have you been doing with your life? Go read them.

Now if you're confused, let me explain why I don't flick my bitch switch when I read them. It's because she acknowledges the abuse. I am going to write out the very first words in the book.

It's your choice to read this or not, if you don't like it, you can stop reading it...some parts will be very hard to get through since they contain abuse...torment...trigger warnings...just remember it's the world they live, in the shades of grey where there are two sides to everything.

Do you see? Do you see that? The writer acknowledges that there is abuse, knows that some parts will be rather controversial. That is what I want my little wolves, that understanding that abuse is wrong. I want you to know that it is not right for someone to abuse another person.

I will underline this shit: I do not want to limit your writing about abuse, I want to spread awareness towards the issue of it

I do not care if you write a book about abuse, I honestly don't. Wattpad is a site to freely express your writing and for others to give feedback and I do want it to be used like that, no matter what the topic. But I do want you guys to be aware of it, it's all I ask.

This is what I have a problem with. Writers who don't understand what it is like to be abused and how utterly devastating its effects will be. I hate reading a book where the main character has been raped or beaten repeatedly but does not show any true signs of trauma about it. I have friends who have full on panic attacks if someone tries to hug them or if they are alone with a male in the room. I have people I know terrified of leaving their home and others who need to sleep in the bathroom with a knife to feel safe. Do not tell me that mates can erase these and make their suffering seem so...mild.

I am worried for the younger generation. I knew about this long before I even heard of Wattpad but young minds are easily impressionable. I am truly scared when I read a book where the Alpha throws the girl into the wall and she forgives him because he "can't control it". I fear for the younger people and I even have seen people older than me reading this and not understanding that it is so so so wrong.

I am not afraid of people reading books like and not limited to Grey's Tribute and Fin's Claim because there, the truth is splayed out and you can't escape and no one is making excuses for their behavior or trying to justify actions. I am afraid of these books who have abuse and rape hidden like a cobra underneath a pretty lace scarf and doesn't realize the danger until they're in the hospital.

So in a way, thank you Rachelle for writing those books. Because you don't sugarcoat and you know that abuse is wrong. I do not fault you for writing something that will stay just a figment of imagination. You show the true parts of abuse and while I may grimace when I read those parts, at least it is clear what I am reading...no holds barred...

Do not make excuses.

Do not justify the actions.

Don't even think about denying that your character and you needs help.

Yours Truly,

The Wolf Queen

And if anyone wants to talk, I am always here for you...

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