Where did the clothes go?

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Let's get this straight. You are transforming into a giant wolf. It goes like this.

Human --> Wolf.

Where in that equation do you keep your clothes? Your body is rearranging all your organs, bones, muscles, and your skin is stretching or shrinking and fur is growing out of your skin. It's like you're going through a full puberty smack down in minutes which must really suck.

You can't shift inside your clothes, if you think you can, you're just showing me you have no common sense. You'll just have it ripped in places and some parts of it will be hanging off you in a really awkward positions. I'm not going to describe it...just use your imagination...actually you probably shouldn't...

So to shift you need to undress and take off your clothes. It's not that hard, here I'll bring more math into it because I looooove it so much (sarcasm everyone)

Clothed Human --> Undressed Human--> Wolf

So the point of all this math (*shudders*) is that you need to take off your clothes to shift and sometimes you don't always have a convenient tree to shift behind. I refuse to believe you are making a wolf squeeze through a door to get to the bathroom or inside.

So yes, you cannot always avoid shifting back into human in front of someone else which means they will see you naked *gasps* oh no! The horror! I highly doubt that it's going to be a surprise to whoever is with you that you have lady parts okay? You know they'll be staring and there's nothing sexier than confidence so walk like you're proud. (You'll probably fulfil all the fantasies of the horny boys out there while you're at it)

You're werewolves, I really don't think it's a problem if you flash someone now and again because it will happen. Like you all apparently live in this giant mansion with each other and there are these things call windows so they'll see you anyway. Like the world will not end if you don't have pants on. I mean yeah, it would be really awkward if you're naked and your parents walked in...but other than that you should be fine! Like if you want to strip and walk around naked then you do whatever you want! Just make sure the pups aren't around...

Yours Truly,

The Wolf Queen

Do you guys want longer rants or is this okay?

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