Chapter Seventeen

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                                                 ••Grace's P.O.V••

"Grace." *poke, poke, poke* "Grace. Get up." somebody says, then pokes me again. I roll over and see Toby with his finger pointed, ready to poke me again.

"Poke me again, and you lose that finger." I say rolling back over.

"Hey, I was instructed to wake you." he says poking me, once again.

"And you did your job, so you can stop poking me."

"Fine. But get up." he says then walks away. I take a deep breath then get up to grab some clothes. I take out some black Adidas track pants and a plain white t-shirt with a palm tree on a beach. When I'm done, I put on my cast then go to the front lounge. Toby hands me my usual Starbucks Frappucinno, I take it then plop down beside him on the couch. I sip my drink and close my eyes, but before I could fall asleep, I hear Riley's voice.

"Come on little dude and dudette, we're going for brunch!" he exlaims taking my drink from my hands.

"Riley!" I whine opening my eyes. He takes a sip then hands it back. "What's with everyone stealing my drink then taking a sip!? If you guys like it so much get your own!" I take it back right as he's about to take another one.

"But Connor and Toby already got some, I just wanted to try it." he fake pouts while crossing his arms.

"And now you have. But back to earlier what's brunch?"

"A  time after breakfast, but before lunch." he says. My mouth forms the shape of an 'O' as I nod my head. "Now, let's go." he says.

"Wait, where are the others?" I ask, as Toby goes to get my crutches.

"They're already there. They went out to look for somewhere to eat while Toby woke you up." I nod then Toby comes back with my crutches. I grab them, then exit the bus with the boys behind me.

"How far is it?" Toby asks.

"Just down the street." Riley says. We nod, then walk the rest of the way in silence. Mainly because nobody could think of what to say. When we arrive, we see the boys at a table so we walk over and sit down. We quickly skim over the menu before the waitress comes back.

"Here are your drinks." She says handing the three eldest boys their beverages. She then turns to face us. "What can I get for you guys?"

"Just a water." Toby says.

"Make that two please." I say.

"Or three." Riley says. She laughs and nods.

"I'll be right back to take your orders." A few minutes later, she comes back with our drinks, places them in front of us then pulls out her notepad. "Okay, what can I get you?" They all order eggs and bacon where as I, order waffles with whip cream. She finishes scribbling down our orders, then walks away.

"So, what time is the party today Connor?" Thomas asks.

"He told us to be there by 5:30. So we should probably start getting ready around 5. Who knows how long some people are going to take." he says winking at me.

"I hope your talking about somebody else, because you all know I take like two minutes." I say.

"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Toby. He takes forever to pick out which hat he wants to wear." he says, everyone else laughs except for Toby.

"I do not!" He exclaims with with his mouth hanging open.

"Close your mouth hun, you're going to swallow a fly." I use my finger to push his chin back up. He looks over at me and playfully scowls. The waitress comes back with our food, then leaves so we can eat.

For You {Before You Exit} -Book One-Where stories live. Discover now