Chapter Six

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                                            ••Grace's P.O.V••

The last couple shows were similar to the first one. Similar set list, similar venues, similar crowd behavior and so on. The daily routines were basically the same everywhere we went. Get up for breakfast and Starbucks, explore the city then the venue, get ready, do the VIP performance, make sure everything is set for the show, do a good job, do a meet and greet, set up for the bus party, say goodbye then just relax and sleep. Tomorrow they were playing in Toronto, but we were already there so we had a day off. Toby and I decided to just skateboard around the parking lot we were parked in all day. We were doing tricks and jumps until Toby tried to turn around while moving when he fell off and the skateboard rolled under the bus.

"You're smaller than me, you'll have to go and get it." He says.

"What? No! You put it under there you can go and get it." I say crossing my arms.

"I won't fit under there though! Please?" He asks giving me the puppy dog eyes. I take a deep breath.

"Fine." I get on my knees and crawl under to get the skateboard. Once I get it, I crawl back out.

"Thank you." Toby says reaching for the board but I jerk backwards.

"Nuh-uh. You made me get it you can come catch me." I say then quickly run to my skateboard and slide away.

"That's so much work!" I hear him yell after me.

"So is crawling under a bus!" I yell back. I turn around and he's running after me, I bend down and place the skateboard down while moving. I then hear it rolling on the pavement and I'm soon met by Toby, riding beside me.

"Thanks for setting the board down right in front of me, I almost tripped!" He says.

"No problem, anytime."

"Sarcasm I see."

"That's my game!" We go back to doing flips and tricks until Toby pushes me off my board while we were racing from one end of the parking lot to the other. I land on the ground forcefully.

"I'm so sorry Grace! I didn't mean to!" Toby exclaims rushing to my side.

"It's okay Tobs it was an accident."

"Still, I shouldn't have done that. Let's get you up." He says standing up and reaching his arms out. I lean forward and grab his hands in mine. He pulls me up and when I try to walk, I fall back down.

"I can't walk Toby, it hurts." I say grabbing my right ankle.

"You might have broken or sprained it. Let me go get someone." He runs to the bus while I'm sitting in the middle of a parking lot. Thankfully nobody came while I was sitting there. Toby came out a minute later with Connor right behind him.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Toby and I were racing and he pushed me off my board and when we went to get up I fell back down because it hurts to put pressure on my ankle." Connor examines it, pushing on some spots. I wince from the pain.

"Sorry." He says.

"It's okay, it just hurts."

"Yeah, it's swelled up quite a bit and it's already bruising. I think we should take you to the hospital." Toby picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bus. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my legs and back to support me. We wait outside while Connor goes in to tell everyone where we're going. He comes put a few minutes later with Thomas by his side.

For You {Before You Exit} -Book One-Where stories live. Discover now