Chapter Ten

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                                      ••Toby's P.O.V••

Since I fell asleep early last night, I got up early this morning. Before my brothers awoke, I quietly snuck down the hall and out the door. I walked to the nearest Starbucks, ordered my usual drink then walked to a park that my brothers and I found when we were 7. Nobody but Connor and Riley and I know about this place, not even Grace. I think this place is just going to stay between my bothers and I, but if we bring someone here then that must mean they're special. I sit down under an old oak tree, and look out across the city. Cars driving by, people walking into stores, family's with children running around the playground. Seeing that reminds me of old memories I have with Grace and my brothers. Before I get too caught up in thought, my phone buzzes with a text. I pull it out to see one from Riley.

From: Riley McDumbnut

Hey, I checked your room and you weren't there. Where are you?

To: Riley McDumbnut

I left earlier for a day to myself remember? You all agreed that's what I need.

From: Riley McDumbnut

Ok, don't stay out too late. We still have to preform tonight.

To: Riley McDumbnut

Ok mom.

I roll my eyes then avert them back to the playground where all the children are. All the memories fly through my head, and I zone out carefully thinking about how special each one is to me.

                                             ••Grace's P.O.V••

As soon as I wake up I shower- which may I say, is very hard because I can't wear my cast and I also can't put pressure on my foot. I then change into a simple white lace tank top and mint coloured jeans with white strappy sandals. (outift on the side) I put my cast back on, then grab my crutches and walk over to the McDonough's. When I knock on the door, Connor answers.

"Hey!" he greets opening up the door more and helping me in.

"Hey." I say as we sit down on the couch where Riley is.

"Toby already left for his day to himself." he says.

"Ahh, so he's taking my advice."

"Yeah, why wouldn't he?" Connor asks questioningly.

"Well I wasn't sure after the way he's been acting." I say.

"True." they say in unison.

"I just don't know why he's been like this though. Nobody said, nor did anything to him." Riley says.

"And it came on so sudden." Connor adds.

"I just hope he's not like this in front of the fans." They nod in agreement.  "So what are you guys doing today?" I ask.

"Nothing." Riley says.

"I'm making brownies with you." Connor says pointing to me.

"What if I don't want to bake brownies with you? What if I want to make them with Riley?" I ask jokingly. Riley purses out his lips, snaps and moves his head from side to side in a 'diss' form.  Connor fake pouts and cries.

"Fine," he says sniffling. "I'll make them myself." he then gets up and walks to the kitchen.

"I'm just kidding!" I yell knowing he'd come back. When he doesn't, I yell once again. "I love making brownies! Of course I'll make them with you!" he runs back into the kitchen clapping as if he were 5, and you told him you were taking him for ice cream. "Although you'll have to help me because you put my crutches all the way across the room." Riley gets up and hands them to me.

For You {Before You Exit} -Book One-Where stories live. Discover now