Chapter Nine

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                                                ••Toby's P.O.V••

"Toby." Someone says. "Toby, get up." I feel a slight push. "Toby! Get up! We are heading back to Orlando today do you want anything from Starbucks?" I roll over to see Connor.

"Ugh! Just get me my usual!" I yell then pull my blanket over my face.

"Okay, Mr. Grouchy Pants. It's 10:30 get up." he says then walks away. I groan then throw my blankets off me and swing my legs over the side. I then jump out, grab a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt, black vest and my black 'TM' hat. After I change I sit down on the couch in the front lounge where everyone else is. I immediately pull out my phone and reply to some fans on Twitter. Nobody even says 'Good morning' or 'hello' they all just keep going on with their conversations like I'm not even here. A few minutes later Grace comes in and sits beside me after grabbing some ice. She was wearing an oversized grey sweater with a pink scarf and earrings, blue jeans and a grey knit boot. (outfit on side)

"Good morning." she says smiling.

"Hi." I say not looking up from my phone. Out of the corner of my eye I see her roll her eyes then take off her cast. A few minutes later Connor comes back in holding a tray full of drinks, he hands them all out and everyone thanks him. I mumble a thank you then sip my drink then look over at Grace.

"Are you cold or something?" I ask, she looks confused. "I mean your wearing a sweater, winter boots, a scarf and you're drinking a warm drink.

"Uh, no? I was a little chilly this morning and I wanted to try a new drink. Is there something wrong with that?" she asks.

"No, I was just saying." I get up and walk away shaking my head in the process. I take a deep breath then sit in my bunk. Riley comes over and sits beside me.

"You okay bro?" he asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you seem a little mad."

"I'm fine." I snap. He looks taken back. He puts his arms up in a surrender position then gets out of my bunk.

"Just saying dude. Try to relax, you're becoming snappy."

"Okay, now go away." I say pushing him out. He walks away and I roll my eyes. I lay back in my bunk, close my curtain and open my DVD player. I then plug in my headphones and watch a movie to 'calm down'.

When the movie ends, I get up to throw out my empty Starbucks cup, but instead of going back to my bunk I sit down with everyone else.

"Did you calm down a bit?" Connor asks.

"Shut up." I snap. "How long until we get home?"

"I guess not." Connor says just loud enough for me to hear. I roll my eyes.

"Well?" I ask impatiently.

"We'll be home in just over two hours." he says. I take a deep breath and lean back on the couch, then just look around the bus. Noticing a lot of things that I haven't before, just small details in how the wood was cut, or the design on the walls. Out of the corner of my eye I see Connor's knee bouncing up and down. I try to ignore it but it keeps bugging me.

"Connor! Quit it!" I snap. Everyone stops what their doing and looks at me. "What?" I ask annoyed. They all shake their heads and go back to what they were doing, not saying a word. I roll my eyes then lean my head back and close them. I then hear the sound of ice chunks being moved around in a bag, I immediately know that that's Grace. "Grace. Please. Stop." I say not even bothering to open my eyes. The moving stops and I fall asleep a few minutes later.

For You {Before You Exit} -Book One-Where stories live. Discover now