Chapter Seven

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                                               ••Grace's P.O.V••

It's hard getting around the bus with the crutches because you can't really keep your balance when it's moving. Especially when you can't put any pressure on your strongest foot what-so-ever. Having to ice it ever hour is starting to get on my nerves. I have to leave the show early, I can't leave the bus to explore with the boys because I take too long, and I'm always in the way during the bus parties. So to sum it up; it's the worst thing ever. I also feel bad for Toby, it's been eating him alive that he did this to me, even though he knows it was an accident. I can't even imagine how he feels when he gets into an argument with someone, he feels guilty even when he steps on the dogs foot. But he's been really helpful when it comes to moving around and icing.

"Do you want to go and explore Atlanta?" Riley asks coming into the front lounge area where Toby and I are.

"I'm going to stay with Grace today." Toby says.

"No, no. Go explore! I'll just watch a movie."

"No, that's not fair to you." He protests.

"It is perfectly fair."

"Why don't you come today?" Riley asks.

"I don't want to slow you guys down, it takes a lot of energy out of you to use these things." I say gesturing to the crutches. "And you can't walk very fast unless you feel like doing a face plant and breaking your nose." They both laugh at my theory.

"I'll just give you a piggy back the whole time." Toby says.

"No, I'm much heavier with this giant boot."

"Then we'll just switch off. We'll play the game we always play o the way to Starbucks." Riley says.

"Alright fine. When are we going?" I ask in defeat.

"Right now!" Thomas exclaims as he bursts into the room.

"Let's go then." Toby says then moved off the couch beside me and leans in front of me. I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck. In one quick motion, he picks me up and we walk off the bus.

Exploring Atlanta was fun. We ended up having to switch backs more than just a couple times, because Toby being his weak self couldn't hold me and my boot for very long. When we walk past some of the fans to get back to the bus I look at them. Some of them glare at me, others smile and the rest whisper something to their friend. I brush off the negative people because you can't let others bring you down. It's like this quote that I really like- "Beautiful things happen in your life when you distance yourself from all the negative things."

"We should just get you one of those automatic scooters." Thomas jokes.

"Although that would be fun, I'm not old; I can still walk. Just with some help from the crutches." I say. They laugh then enter the bus again to prepare before they have to go to the show.

"Come on guys, you have to make sure your in-ears work and get ready." Their tour manager says. I reach over and grab my crutches, but Connor takes them before I can.

"Hey! I need those. I kinda need them to see your show!" I pout jokingly.

"I know." He smiles.

"Come on." Toby says and picks me up bridal style.

"Wh-what are you doing! You guys need to be getting ready not fooling around." We walk off the bus and into the venue. Toby stands over the couch and drops me down. Connor then places the crutches beside the couch. "You know, you could've just let me walk. That would have been much more convenient." I look up at them.

For You {Before You Exit} -Book One-Where stories live. Discover now