Chapter Four

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                                               ••Connor's P.O.V••


My alarm blares on my phone, I roll over and turn it off. I trudge out of bed and change into jeans and a t-shirt then quietly walk downstairs making sure to not wake anyone. I step into the kitchen to see  mom is in there buttering some bagels.

"Hey sweetie." she says handing me one.

"Mornin' mom." I say taking the bagel and taking a bite. Riley walks into the kitchen soon after.

"Toby and Grace still sleeping?" he asks.

"Yeah, they're probably tired. We can pack the bus up then just wake them before we leave." I say.


My phone vibrates, meaning I have a text. I pull it out from my pocket to see it's from Braiden. 'Thomas and I are on our way over.' it reads. 'Okay, we're in the kitchen.' I reply.

"What time is it?" Riley asks.


"I'm gonna go put my stuff in the bus." I say picking up my bags.

"I'll help." Riley says. We grab our bags and put them in the bus, right when we're about to put Grace and Toby's bags in, Braiden's car pulls up.

"You guys ready to do this?" Thomas asks getting out of the car and grabbing his bags.

"Yeah!" Riley says and throws Toby's bag in his bunk.

"There's bagels in the kitchen for you guys, I'm gonna go wake up Toby and Grace." I say. They all nod. I walk back into the house and into Toby's room, I see them both still asleep but Grace's head is on Toby's stomach and his hand is on her shoulder. They're laying in a 'T' position, I decide to take a picture for the slide show before waking them up. Once that's done I gently move Grace off Toby before pulling his feet, making him fall on the floor. A giant 'THUMP' sound is made and Grace wakes up right away. She looks down to the floor and bursts out laughing when she sees Toby.

"Did you do that?" she asks in between laughs.

"Possibly." I say with a straight face.

"You know you could've just called my name or poked me until I woke up." Toby says sitting up and rubbing his back.

"But that's too easy. This way I got both of you up with only one of you getting hurt." I say smiling. "Anyways, get ready we're leaving soon, there's bagels in the kitchen." I then walk out of the room so they can get ready.

                                             ••Grace's P.O.V••

Connor walks out of the room and I get out of bed. I go over to the dresser and grab a pink 'I Need Coffee' sweatshirt (pic on the side-- don't mind the dogs it's the only pic I could find with a jpg link) and grey track pants.

"Toby get up I have to change." I say standing over to him.

"Noo," he whines "It's to far." he says waving his arm in the direction of the door.

"Fine, don't move then. But do NOT move this blanket!" I say placing a blanket over top of him.

"I won't." he mumbles through it. I change quickly then remove the blanket from Toby, his eyes are closed so I sit on his stomach.

"Toby, you cannot go back to sleep, get up and change we have to leave soon."

"Fine." he gets up and grabs some clothes. I grab my phone and lay on his bed facing the opposite direction so he can change. I scroll through Twitter then about 5 minutes later I turn around to see Toby laying on the floor, thankfully he has changed. I grab his foot and drag him out of the room. "You could've just told me to get up." he says.

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