Chapter five: My long story.

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Heyy people, thanxxx for waiting till i was back from Cambridge. Here's chappie five. @RedTears: you know what i mean with a poor self image XD and we had soooooo much fun in Cambridge. This chappie is for you. Please Comment Vote and Fan. XDXDXD

Thanx a lot, FantasyGirl21.


Chapter five: My long story.

-Eliza’s POV-


“Let’s start at the beginning. Just like Edward I was born on the 20th of June, 1901 in Chicago , Illinois…”

“O, please girl, we know the date Edward here was born and we all know our topography. Don’t go wasting my time as well.”. The blond girl was the most prettiest vampire I’d ever seen, but her attitude immediately made me disgust her.

“Rose, please.”, Carlisle said. Strange, I disgust him as well and he’s defending me now. Cool , I’m part of the family! I heard Edward grinding his teeth. Great, the bitch wasn’t that popular in here.

“Seriously, what’s your problem girl? To many plastic surgeries or so? If so, that’s not my problem, so go back to your room and sit there till I’m done.” “Think you are someone who had been through something? I bet you’re not.”. The brainless blonde was gone to far now.

“I bet my life has been harder than yours. You’ve been changed by Doc here and had a peaceful life with the Cullens, am I right?”. When she didn’t answered I looked at my brother. He nodded and gave me a smile. “Well I was right, so sit here and see how the real vamp world goes.” The big guy named Emmett was looking at me in a surprise. I bet no one in here had ever tamed Rosalie No Brain. I took a deep breath (Not that I needed it, but it was a nice feeling to have air in my lungs. Not useful or so, just nice.) and continued with my story.

“Which means I was seventeen when Edward ‘died’”. Carlisle was looking very guilty and if he could become red, he was now. Eliza 1, Carlisle 0.

“It was one week after that, when I was at the graveyard, when I was changed. I saw a man coming towards me. His name was James and he was just searching for a snack at the moment, but my gift was  protecting me.”

“Did you just say your gift saved you?”, Edward asked in a surprised voice. “Yes, is that so surprising?”, I asked. “I only met vampires with gifts. James, for example, has a gift for tracking. Mine is that I can control the mind. I can let everybody do what I want them to do. But there are limits.” Even Rosalie was listening now.

“If his mind, his logic thinking is more important to a person than his soul, his emotions, his ability to love, I can use my gift. If not, and I’ve never met a vampire who’s mind works this way, it’s the other way around, I can’t use my power and the soul works as a shield to protect the mind from my gift. Strangely enough, I can’t use my power at any of you.”

Edward was the first one to speak again.

“Did you just say that vampires have a soul? That we have a soul?”. Edward was looking at me, his eyes wide opened in surprise. “Yeah, everything has a soul. Every person, every vampire even the Volturi. It is just how important your soul is to you. Never thought of that, did you?”.

He didn’t. This was just so Edward. Always placing himself in the worst role imaginable. A very poor self-image, that’s what he had. I placed my hands on his shoulders.

 “Edward, act normal. The fact that we drink blood, doesn’t mean we have no soul. A human also needs food and the only difference is that our food can talk. Were have you been worrying about? Drama queen. By the way, we are immortal, when did you think you were going to die actually?”

That made him grin. “You’re so funny when you’re angry you know.”. I slapped him across the face and sat down again. “So people, can I continue?” No answer.

“So, my gift saved me because it was already very strong on it’s human form and James noticed it. He made me go into the forest with him and there he changed me. When I woke up, I was in a forest in Canada and James was standing next to me. I remember being very surprised.  He had carried me all the way to Canada. I didn’t knew about vampire speed yet. First he let me hunt, I only remember being incredibly thirsty.

He told me everything about the vampire world. The southern wars, the Volturi, the nomad life etc. I lived a wild live with him, my hunting was cruel, also because I could let my victims most of the time do what I wanted. I let them slice open their throat for example.”.

I saw Emmett looking surprised at me, Rosalie disgust, Alice…. Well Alice is just Alice. Carlisle and Esme looked upset and Edward like he was in pain. He’d probably blamed himself for it. Bella was looking down and Jasper was looking emotionless. I bet he’d gone through stuff as well. I decided to leave my hunting for as it was and continued.

“Every year at the 20th of June I went to Chicago, to the graveyard. That was the only day of peace I had in the entire year. Last time I decided that this couldn’t go on like this. I told James that I needed to go away, to find my peace. He didn’t understood me, but I’d still went. I bought a fake passport and other things and I booked a ticket to the UK. With my green contacts, I went to the airport. People were all gasping at me and a few guys thought they could have me. I killed them in the evening.”. I smiled, that had been so funny.

“When I arrived in the UK, I started searching for other vampires. It was in December when I finally found one. His name was Alistair, he knew you Carlisle.”. I looked up at Carlisle. He was surprised.

“It took me ages to let him trust me and to let him talk to me. Once I asked him about friends he had, he murmured something like : ‘Carlisle Cullen and his family never let me live my peaceful life.’. He told me about you guys and I remembered Carlisle from the hospital and than he said your name, Edward. I let him describe you and so I found out you’re a vampire. Sadly enough, he didn’t trusted me enough to tell me your location, so I went to Volterra.  The Italy-gang know everything,  I thought. Aro is really a showman, isn’t he?”, I asked the Cullens.  Carlisle nodded. “It took him ages to get to the point, if it wasn’t because of my gift, I still would have been in Italy now. So he told me you guys’ location and here I am.”.

It went silent. Nobody said a thing, they were to impressed by my story.

“You have been though all that stuff?”, Emmett asked. “Cool.”. Everybody laughed. This was very Emmett-like. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t thought about this, I am so sorry.”, Rosalie said. They all looked very surprised, I bet this was not a thing she did very often.

“It doesn’t matter, how could you know?”, I said. I could also be very bitchy. Alice looked like she was far away and Jasper had his hands folded around her shoulders. Than she was back again. “Just had a vision, we can play baseball tonight!”. They all were very exited at once.

“Vision?”, I asked. “Yeah.”, Edward said. “Alice can see the future. It’s her gift. I can read minds and Jasper can control emotions.”. “Wow”, I said. “But that’s not important.”, Alice said. “What really is important is that we need to get you a new room and a new wardrobe. So we’re going shopping. Rose, Bella and Esme, you’re coming as well. And tonight it’s baseball time!”.

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