R.I.P Kimani:(

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"Thank you for coming to finish line enjoy the rest of your night" I said to my last customer before clocking out.

"You need a ride home Bae?!" Ci Ci said before geting in her car.

"Nahh Girl Q on his way now to get me you can go boo"

"Ok call me when you get home"

"ok " I said

As I watch Ci drive off I notice this truck sitting in the distance with someone sitting inside, I just prayed Q get here fast . Until then I'll just play candy crush I'm trying to get past level 78. -__-

Quincy Pov****

"When you find this mutha fucker bring him to me alive I won't be satisfied until his body is burning before me. when you find him don't let him Out your sight or you will go down with him".

"Do I make my self clear"

"Yess Sir" they all said.

"Alright Meeting over"

"Aye D.j when You get him shoot that f.ck nigga in his balls twice got it?"

"Yess Sir Boss"

After the meeting was over I had to go check on king when I told him what pooh told me this nigga went crazy throwing Sh.t hitting the naked b.tches that we got working for us and everything it was like some Ike and Tina type Sh.t. I told him to go calm down and I'll handle the meeting then we can go pick up My baby from work.

"Aye Bruh you straight now"

"Yeaa man I'm cool I just can't believe that bitch raped my sister and I wasn't there to help her what kinda brother I'm I ?! man fuck!! I'm so sorry pooh" he said then punched a hole in the wall.

"Don't beat yourself up man no one knew what happened we just gotta be thankful that she still alive and with us and best believe that mutha fucker living in his last days. . .well hours I wanna kill his ass tonight"

"Thanks Bruhh but what time she gets off?"

"Ohh shit she's off now lets head out"

We locked up the trap and head to Kimani's job.

Kimani Pov****

As I wait on Q I started to listen to Pandora Rich Homie Quan- Can't judge her filled through my ears.

I Got a text from Q tellin me that he would be here in 15mins. I was just in my mellow vibe when I felt something metal hit me in the head. Then blood fell on my shorts and shirt.

Before I could turn around I was being attacked I was kicked and punched multiple times in my head and face I just knew my eye was going to be swollen shut.

My Attack lasted for 5mins. I could see a little out my now swollen eye .

I felt my heart stop when I Seen Jason pull out a knife not even 2second later Jason stabbed me in my stomach and sliced my wrist.

I heard crying "You see what you made me do baby I'm So sorry" his footsteps began to fade away then heard his truck speeding away I just laid there helpless sayin a quick prayer before darkness took over me. .

King Pov****

"Alright man you better treat my sister like the queen she is nigga''.

"if I fuck up Bruh I'll shoot my Damn self before you could get to me and Thats my word I love her to much"

"Hell nah nigga you taking all the fun out of me killing your ass and chill wit all that mushy Sh.t I ain't Kimani nigga if you ask me for a tampon I'm a shoot your fruity ass"

"Fuck You King"

We Ctfu when we pull up to pooh job . We drove around and didn't see her any where. Just before Q could call her I spotted her laying down on the floor.

I jumped out of Q's Audi and ran to my sister she wasn't moving. When I got to her she was in a puddle of blood.


He brought the car closer. "Nooooo Baby no" Q cried

He helped me pick her up carefully.

"wake up baby please, please tell me who did this to you" I Cried

Me and Q stop because we heard a whisper we looked down and seen Kimani lips moving weakly we put our heads closer so we could hear her better and she whispered again. .


We got her in the car slowly and started speeding all the way to the nearest hospital running through red lights and stop signs. I wish a police would stop me I might just shoot they ass and keep going.

We finally made it to the hospital. Q had pooh in his arms running through the lobby.

"Somebody give me a fuckin doctor my sister needs help" I screamed

doctors and nurse came running in taking pooh from Q.

"We need I.V and a breathing machine and a blood transfusion NOW!!! have an A.E.D on stand by" The doctor yells

"Were Losing her"

"Get her to surgery Now!!''

They rushed her to the back fast me and Q tried to go back there with her but the doctor wouldn't let us.

"Everything will be ok I will take good care of your sister"

"Thats My Fiancèe Miss" Q said

"Please don't let my sister die Doctor" I Begged

"Not on my watch, she will be in surgery an as soon as the procedure is done I personally will come notify you on you Fiancèe and sisters conditions"

"Thank You Dr. ........?"


""Dr. Stevenson we need you in surgery now"" The intercom said

"Thats my Que I promise to bring you some good news see you soon"

And with that she ran off towards the back room

As we wait in the waiting room for the family to arrive me and Q said a quick prayer for Kimani.

Dear God. .

we come to you and ask for your healing hand oh god we ask you to bring pooh Out of this well in alive father we come to you because we know you are a miracle worker and right now god we need a miracle she's to young to be going through this but we're gonna leave it in your hands because we trust an believe in your work the devil is trying to bring us down but we're not going down without a fight we just ask you to bring her back to us oh god in your name we pray. .

Amen. .


Should Kimani die??


Should she live??

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