Ticci Toby

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Slender had found you a couple of weeks ago when you had come running across the mansion. Literally running. You had made a not so clean get away from the cops that night; you had murderer your bullies and their families and got a little reckless in the process. It was messy and easy to track, causing the cops to show up at the last house before you were done. Finishing the job and making a break for the woods, a team of cops and their dogs saw and chased after you. After miles of running, you came across the big ass house, you tried to break in but you were stopped dead in your tracks by the horrible man like creature that you now know as Slenderman. He seemed to know all about you and what you had done. He must have seen something in you, because he made you an offer. You join him, live by his rules, and do a few jobs for him every once in a while and he'd give you a place to stay, food, and protection. You graciously accepted, and he told you to wait inside while he made sure none on the police men made it out of his woods alive. That night, Slender explained how you wouldn't be allowed to the leave the woods for some time, not until people stopped looking for you.
Finally the day had come where he told his three proxies, Masky, Hoodie, and Toby, to take you out that night and show you the ropes. They showed you all sorts of things, how to get inside a house with making noise or damage, how to kill quick and easy, how to cover up your tracks if you wanted to get messy with someone, how to keep the cops off your back, everything you would need to know. You had so much fun with them, you had instantly hit it off with Masky, he was funny and crude, he was violent and messy unlike Hoodie. You two became friends instantly. You enjoyed the company of Toby, you loved his humor and his shy nature, he would smile widely under his mask every time you stood up for him against Masky. Hoodie was too fatherly for your taste, he didn't like having fun, he kept to himself and wanted to get the job done, he was a real mood killer. But needless to say everything was going great, until you got home. When you walked in, you saw the one and only Jeff the Killer sitting on the couch. His eyes locked on you and he stood up, clearly angry. Jeff hated you, he hated that you were new, he hated that you were actually nice to the other pastas, he hated that Slenderman had giving you a place to say, he hated that the other Pasta's were teaching you how to live, and he truly hated that you wouldn't kill boys who were under the age five. When he found that out he went ballistic, and that in particular is what this fight was about.

"For fucks sake Jeff, fuck off." You groan, turning your back to him and walking away. You can hear him violently walking behind you.

"You're a joke Y/n! You will never be one of us." He hisses pure hatred in his voice. You stop dead in your tracks, your hands clenched at your sides and you turn. You take in a deep breath before speaking, trying desperately to not kill him.

"You're pathetic, Y/n. You walk around acting like your insane like us, like you're a killer. You're a fake; you don't know what its like to be one of us." Jeff said maliciously, staring at you with fury. You clenched your fists harder and walk up to him, getting in his face.

"Why, Jeff? Because I cant kill little boys? Because they remind me of the only person I still love on this damn planet? Because I'm not consumed by my mind and just murder the first person I see?" You step closer, barley and inch from his face, sneering.

"Because I didn't let my bullies destroy me?" You ask, your voice low and threatening. Jeff's eyes widen in anger and he shoves you back. He withdraws his knife from his hoodie pocket and stalks closer to you. You do the same with (Y/W/OC) and stand, ready to kill him.

"You're dead bitch." He sneers, stepping closer to you. Suddenly Toby pushes in between the two of you and shoves Jeff back.

"Stop! For FUCKS SAKE Stop!" Toby yells, startling both you and Jeff. Toby holds his axe at his side, staring at Jeff.

"Get out of my way Ticci." Jeff says, clearly pissed off at him. Toby doesn't move a muscle.

"No." He says firmly. Jeff stares at him for a second before grinning.

"Are you seriously standing up for this slutty wannabe?" Jeff motions at you and Toby shutters.

"She- She- She is not a wannabe, Jeff." He says his voice is steady but is clearly hiding his anger.

"She is a- a better killer than you, and that piss- pisses you off. You hate her because she has the- the one thing you do not. Control." Toby says, and Jeff's eyes widen. He walks up and gets in his face, attempting to scare him.

"You better shut your mouth; I will paint this damn house with your blood, Ticci. You hear me?" Jeff sneers, but Toby just looks at him. You can't help but hold your breath, scared of what might happen. After what seems to be a lifetime of a stare down, Jeff looks down and shakes his head.

"I don't have time for this shit." He scoffs and walks away. Toby's body visably relaxes and you smile.

"I think you struck a nerve there, Toby." You giggle and he turns to face you.

"Yeah, I think I did." He chuckles, smiling at you. Your smile fades and you pull him not a deep hug. No one had ever stood up for you before, it really hit you.

"Thank you" You whisper, your face buried in his shirt. His arms gently wrap around you and you can feel his face lean into you hair.

"Anytime, Y/n. Anytime."

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