3 ➤ Revelations

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WALTER CARRIED ELEANOR into his home and laid her down on the large sofa in the living room before heading back to the front door to close it. After he lit up the fireplace, he returned to her side. At the sight of her covered in bruises and scratches, the wolf within him craved murder, but he managed to keep his rage at bay.


Adeline came running down the steps and froze midway when her gaze rested upon her unconscious sister. "What happened to her?"

"I have no idea."

Adeline rushed to Eleanor's side and brushed the locks of hair from her face. "Eleanor?" A soft sob escaped her lips. "I'm sorry. I should have known our father would finally lose it. I'm so sorry. I should have gotten you out of that house sooner."

"Eli, what are you speaking off? Your father—Did he do this to her?"

Adeline's eyes swiveled in every direction as tears enveloped them. "I don't know if he did this."

"But, he has beaten her before?" Then, Walter remembered the bruise on her collarbone. She had lied to him. He had sensed it but thought nothing of it. "Of course he has." A growl rumbled in his chest and he moved to head for the door, but a hand on his wrist stopped him. At first, he thought it was Adeline, but it wasn't her.

Adeline sat down beside Eleanor's legs as Eleanor pulled Walter closer. "Please don't go start a fight."

"Your father needs to be taught a lesson. This cannot go unpunished."

"He is my father and even after everything, I love him. I don't want you to hurt him."

How could she still care for him after the clear beating he had given her?

His wolf had been right; she had a pure heart.

"Please, promise me you will not confront my father about this...and you will tell no one."

"Forgive me, but I can't make such promise."

She gave his hand a small squeeze. "We both know our traditions...our rules."

Of course, Walter knew every damn rule in the book. He also knew of all the traditions and he was sick of everything. He gave her hand a small squeeze in return. "Okay." As Eleanor's eyes fluttered closed, a door opening echoed through the corridor before Walter's mother walked into his view. She stood in the foyer, arms crossed over her chest, staring through the arched entrance that led into the living room at them.

"Is this the Omega you chose over the other two Alpha females?"

Walter nodded.

"What happened to her?"

Adeline glanced at Walter, clearly waiting to see if he broke the promise he made Eleanor before she passed out. "I don't know. She hasn't said a word yet."

"Why did she came here instead of going to the aid of her father?"

"I don't know, Mother." He glared at his mother, wondering how she could stand there and not be perturbed by the sight of an injured she-wolf. Well, she had taught him herself to act as if nothing fazed him. Maybe, she was pretending...maybe.

"I will inform her father that she is here." Before Walter or Adeline could say anything, she disappeared from their view down the corridor.

"I wonder what my father will make up." Adeline stood and bit one of her nails. "I should get her a warm shower ready. You should try to heal her wounds."

"All of them?"

"Yes. You are her mate now. Your saliva helps those wounds heal faster. I'll head to your bathroom to get her bath ready." Reluctantly, Adeline left the living room and headed upstairs. Walter let go of Eleanor's hand and ran a hand through his hair. The front door opened and in came Grieg.

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