Chapter 17

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*Later that day*

 Catherine’s POV

 “When will the boys be here?” I frantically ask, pacing up and down. Milly’s water broke not long along and it was stressful getting to the hospital in one piece. She’s only 4 centimetres dilated, so it’s still early. We could be here, hours before she actually goes into labour. But, the boys NEED to be here. Louis NEEDS to be here! I’m her best friend; I don’t know any of this stuff!

 “Catherine, can you stop pacing? You’re making me feel queasy.” Milly exclaims, we were in the private hospital room Louis had set up for Milly, which was ready when ever she went into labour. I don’t understand, I don’t know why I’m stressing about this. I’m not the one about to give birth soon. I suppose I’m just worried about my best friend and I don’t want anything to happen. Which it won’t, but I’m just saying.

  Liam’s POV

 “Louis, wait!” I yell as he jumps out the car before it even had a chance to stop. We shortly followed trying to catch up with Louis. God! He’s fast… But, I’d probably be panicking and worrying if it were me in that position.

 “Where is she?!" Louis frantically yells, at the receptionist. Stressfully, running a hand through his hair. None of us are try to calm him down. Why?  Well, in a situation like this, it’s just better to leave him. Trust me; we’ve all been there before.

 “Who?” The fake blond bimbo, asked annoyed her eyes widening as she looked up. Yep, she was one of them. Not that I cared. But, seriously though, this was NOT helping Lou’s situation.

 “I’m looking for, Milly Jones. I’m her boyfriend, and she’ll be soon going into labour with my son or daughter. She recently checked in.” Lou replies, this time calmer. It was true, Lou and Milly wanted to leave the gender as a surprise. So when the girls threw Milly a baby shower, we got mixed baby stuff, so they were prepared for anything. Not, that it mattered what they had.

 “Oh, she’s in room 201. Go up the elevator and it’s the third door on the right.” She replies pointing to a direction, where yet again Louis runs off to. I mumble a quick ‘Thanks’ before we all shortly followed not wanting to waist anymore time.

 “Louis!” Milly breathes out in relief as we all walk in. Incase, you didn’t know. Louis had rented or more like sorted out a private room for just Milly. That way, no one could interrupt or invade privacy without our permission. Well, hopefully.

 “Are you okay? I’m here now, do you need anything?” Louis rushes very quickly, taking a hold of Milly’s hand and kissing the top of her forehead. Milly smiles and sighs painfully.

“It’s painful, but I’m okay. No, Catherine was here worrying so don’t worry.” Milly smiles at Louis, meanwhile Catherine’s blushing and I chuckle. She’s always been cute when she blushed. I walk over to her and embrace her in a hug. That was until we heard Milly groan in pain, causing her to grab a hold of Louis hand a lot tighter, than she originally was. It hurt, not physically but the kind of hurt of seeing someone in pain and not being able to do anything. You see, Milly is kind of like my little sister. Not by blood, but we have clicked from the start so we’ve got that brother/sister relationship.

 “Ah! I can’t wait to get this ‘THING’ out of me!” Milly exclaims, groaning as another contraction hits her. I could tell Catherine was worried, so I grabbed a hold of her hand, since she was next to me and gave it a gentle squeeze reassuring her that Milly was fine.

 So, for the next few hours we all decided to talk and try to get Milly’s mind off how much she was in.

 *4 hours later*

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