Chapter 6

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Catherine's POV

"GUY GUYS GUYS!" Louis yells as him and Milly walk in through the living room. We had just got back from the concert, I still couldn't believe it. But it was true and I was sitting on the sofa with Liam sitting next to me, with his arm around me so I could snuggle into him. The others were scattered various places around the room. 

"What?" Liam moans, we just wanted some peace and quiet. 

"Well I callled Simon." Lou pauses his smile getting bigger, as soon as he mentions Simon all the boys head perk up. "Hesaidthatwecaninvitethegirlsontourwithus." He quickly says, leaving us not getting a word in. I look at the others and they are just as confused as I am.

"Lou can you repeat that again please, but this time slower." Milly speaks up, for all of us. 

"I said. I spoke to Simon and he said we could take the girls on tour with us." Louis explains this time much slower, my jaw drops, so does all the other girls.

"Do we really?" Milly asks looking hopeful at Louis, he smiles at her. 

"Yes." Is all he replies before we all cheer. I couldn't believe it I got to on tour with my best friends, and boyfriend. 

"I think we should celebrate." Harry pipes up, we turn to him.

"What do you suggest curly?" I ask, causing him to raise an eyebrow at me. 

"Well. I was thinking we should clubbing, we haven't been in a while and we can celebrate us all going on tour. What do you say?" He asks looking at us all. I sigh, I've never been clubbing, I'm not even the right age to drink and it doesn't help that I don't look my age either. 

"I don't know. I might just stay here." I say, I hear a few groan and Liam's grip to tighten gently around me.

"How come?" Liam asks, from the side of me. 

"Well, one things for sure, I'm not the right age to be drinking and as much as I would love to go clubbing, I don't look my age and what if my parents found out?" I ask rambling a bit then blushing when I realised I was. 

"Catherine. Your parents have agreed to let you go on tour with us, they can't change anything because Simon has already arranged anything. Plus, your with us so you'll get in." Louis replies, still smiling.

"Lou. If she doesn't want to go she doesn't have to." Liam cuts in. 

"Guys. It's fine, I want to go." I say, I did want to. 

"If your sure?" Liam asks, I turn to look at him.

"Positive" I reply smiling. 

"Great. Let's get ready we're leaving in an hour." Harry goes causing all us girls to gasp.

"An hour?!" We all say shocked in unison. 

"Yes." Harry smirks. We all look at each other before sprinting up the stairs to get ready, how did they expect us to get ready in an hour, well I suppose we'll have to. 

Liam's POV

"Guys, COME ON! WE WANT TO LEAVE!" Louis whines, stomping his feet a little. 

"WE'RE COMING!" Shouts down Milly. The boys and I were all wearing something a little more smarter than what we were wearing before. I just couldn't believe it when Catherine walked down the stairs, I was just happy that I could call her mine, I seriously loved her. I'm not going to bore you with the description of the dress but let's just say it suited her really well but what made me laugh was that she was wearing converses instead of heels. (A/N The link to the dress she is wearing )

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