Chapter 8

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Catherine's POV

 "BOYS! GIRLS Come on! WE NEED TO GO!" Shouts Liam, being 'daddy direction' We were on our way to there show in Cardiff. I have never been to Cardiff before so it'll be a new adventure, well to be honest I haven't been many places. 

"Li calm down, we have time." I say soothingly wrapping my arms around liam, instantly making him relaxed.

"We're here!" Shouts Lou, as everyone else makes there way down with there suitcases. 

"Ok, has everyone got everything?" I ask, this time. 

"Yes." They all reply in unison. 

"Great, let's go." I say, grabbing my suitcases and bags as we head out the door to see the tour bus outside. I look at Milly and Lou before my childish side kicks in.

"We get to choose the bigger bed." Knowing there was a double at the very back of the bus. I start running in.

"No! We get it." Shouts Lou chasing after me, I squeal. I was not going to let him have it. 

"Never!" I shout running past him, I could hear the others all laughing. 

"YES! WE WIN!" I scream, jumping on the bed, only to see Lou running and jumping on the bed as well.

"NO! WE DO!" He shouts in my ear, making me whack him and this time him to scream. The others all walk in to see what was going on. 

"NO I WAS HERE FIRST!" I whine, trying to shove Louis off. 


"WELL NEITHER DO I?!" I shout in return, we both glare at each other.

"Liammm..." We both say in unison turning to Liam, only to see them all laughing. 

"Louis get off, Catherine was here first so we get the double." Liam says being serious, but I knew he was trying to hold in his laughter. 

"Yeah! Told you Louis!" I tease him, sticking my tongue out at him, all he does is pout and cross his arms over his chest. 

"Come on Lou. It doesn't matter, we can share?!" Milly says winking at him towards the end causing him to smile and pick her up.

"Yes! Let's go!" He shouts leaving carrying Milly over his shoulder and her screaming. We are all in fits off laughter. 

"And finished." Harry says smirking, I look at him with a raise eyebrow to notice that he had his phone out, that doesn't mean?

"Harry..." I start getting off the bed, walking slowly towards him. 

"What?" He says confused.

"Did you film us?" I ask innocently. 

"Which is now on twitter." He smirks, then he notices me. "Oh crap." He goes, before running.

"You better run Harry!" I yell chasing him and running straight past Paul and jumping on his back, we hadn't even started the journey yet. 

"What is going on here?!" Paul says seriously, causing me and Harry to stop where we were. I was on his back trying to take his phone of him. We just look at him in shock, frozen where we were. The others were still laughing, I mean is it really that funny?

"Well, Louis and Catherine were arguing which couple got the double bed, then after Louis left. Harry told her that he had filmed the whole thing and posted it on twitter which is why Catherine is on Harry's back now, trying to get his phone off him. " Alison explains for us. 

 "Well, Catherine get off Harry. Its already on twitter so there's nothing you can do about it. Has everyone sorted out sleeping arrangements?" Paul asks as I get off Harry. 

"Yes. Catherine and I are having the double. Then, the others are just going to share, I think?" Liam explains, as I walk over to him and he wraps his right arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. 

 "That's fine, let's get going then. We don't want to get caught in the traffic." Paul says as he makes his way outside to sit in the front with the drivers seat. 

 Liam's POV

"So are you looking forward to the tour Li?" Catherine asks lifting her head of my chest as we were chilling out on our bed, we had just stopped for a quick break as Niall was complaining that he wanted food so the others went with him, we didn't want to go, so they said they will bring us some back. Right now, it was relaxing, I had Catherine cuddled next to me with my right arm around her. It was nice. 

"Of course, It's going to be great and even better now that I get to spend it with you." I say as she blushes, I chuckle. 

"You're cute when you blush." This makes her blush more.

"No I'm not." She moans placing her head back on my chest, trying to save herself from more embarrassment. 

 "Hey.. You are. You know what we should do?" I say causing her to look up at me again but this time confused.

"What?" Catherine asks.

"When we arrive in Cardiff we should go on a date." I explain this makes Catherine smile, we haven't been on our first date yet and I have just had a brilliant idea for one. I'll need the boys help for it though.

"I would love that." She replies looking at me. 

"Great, so it's settled then." I return giving her a kiss which got pretty heated and we had to pull away to catch our breath. 

 "Guys! Food!" Shouts Niall. Sighing, we get up and make our way out to where the others were. 

"Great, what did you get?" Catherine asks a little excited. 

"McDonald's." Is all Niall replies, as Molly hands her, her order and me mine. 

"Thanks." We both reply as we sit down. 

"So what were you guys doing?" Ask Louis with his mouth full.

"Lou don't talk with your mouth full." Catherine frowns at him, the boys just look at her then at me. 

"What?" Is all she asks confused.

"Nothing." They mumble. 

"You never answered the question?" This time Harry asks smirking. 

"We just chilled out and talked, Harry. Not what your dirty mind was thinking." Catherine sasses back. 

This tour was going to be great, I just know it will be. 

A/N: Yes. I know this is shorter again, but this is more of a filler. I promise the next few chapters will be MUCH longer. 

Again, feedback highly appreciated. 

Please, comment and vote. 


Catherine xoxo

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