Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my friends Kara @LoveLetters1. I've had really bad writers block, trying to decide how to write this chapter so she helped out with the beginning of it. So I highly recommend, once you've read this to go read her books. They are really good! You wouldn't want to miss out! :) 

Thanks, again Kara! Oh, hi and goodluck for the results tomorrow! :)

I decided on Titanic, I hope you're happy! Haha...

Catherine xxx


Catherine's POV

Standing hoping I looked taller, I glared at my anxious expression in the mirror... Was it this normal to be nervous for an unplanned and first date? I grabbed my black satchel and hesitantly, walked downstairs to where Liam was waiting. 

He looked handsome. In words I cannot describe. He looked hot.

"You look... Gorgeous.." Liam whispers to me, as I walk over to him he wraps an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him and kissing me. 

"Thanks.." I pause blushing, pulling away. "You don't look to bad yourself". 

"These are for you!" Liam tells me, pulling out a bunch of roses from behind his back.

"Thanks, Liam. I'll just put these in a vase and we can go?" I reply, giving him a quick peck before making my way into the kitchen. I had no clue where the others were, it isn't normally this quiet. 

Liam's POV

I couldn't believe how beautiful Catherine looked tonight. To be honest, I don't know why we haven't been on our first date yet. I just hoped it was okay. 

I had planned out to go to the cinema, to watch a film then come home, and just chill out. It wasn't much and I know, it isn't anything to fancy. But, with everything that has happened between us, I just wanted to spend some time with Catherine not really doing that much. If that sounded okay?

"You ready to go babe?" I ask Catherine as she walks out the kitchen, from putting the roses I gave her into a vase.

"Yep." She replies, walking over to me smiling. 

"Great. Let's go then." I say, wrapping an arm around her pulling me close and walking out the door. 

"Where are we going?" Catherine asks, as soon as we get in the car.

"I was thinking, we could go see a movie then come back and just chill out... I know it isn't much.." I reply rambling, I knew it. This was a terrible idea for a first date. 

"Thats sounds great, simple but it's okay." Catherine replies, placing a hand on my knee giving it a small squeeze for reassurance. 

Catherine's POV

As soon as we entered the cinema, I felt Liam tense up beside me. I look up at him confused.

"Are you alright?" I ask, concerned. 

"Yeah.. I'm fine.." He replies unsurely. Something was up, but I decided to leave it. We had to many arguements recently and I just wanted to enjoy tonight. 

"Ok?" I say, leaving the subject as we walk up to the counter. 

"Two tickets to see Titanic please?" Liam asks, now a little moody. I seriously have no clue what is up with him? One minute he's all happy, next he's like this?

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