Going home

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Home, the world I was longing to say as it was going to happen. I was actually going home to my family and friends. I wonder what the guys would say about Daniel? There not ones to judge but trusting people is a big problem for all of us now since the incident with Kyle.

I wonder if Kyle's given up yet? I hope so because I want a good nights sleep! I won't run anymore, I'll just stick with my family... Heck I'll even hire a security guard If I have to.

"Lets go" I smiled chucking my bags into the boot of the car as Luke did the same. We all hopped in the car and Luke started the engine.

"You sure about this Cassie?" Luke asked nervously.

"100% Sure" I grinned and he started driving off. What would I do first when I get home? Hug then catch up? Sleep? Who would I see first? Yes, I'm excited to go home but come on, I haven't seen them in ages!


She'll be home today, wonder what everyone will say... Something nice I hope. I don't really want to argue and fight anymore.

"Ready?" Frank asked smiling and I nodded slowly. "You seem sad, come on. Your daughters coming home!"

"But she won't be safe" I whispered and he frowned at me

"She will with us around" Frank quickly said and I nodded, that's right. We would all be around to protect her from that little prick called Kyle.

It's been 3 hours since she last text me. Wonder how far they are away? Hopefully not too far... It'd make me feel uneasy. I stood up and walked to the living room trying to look out of the window for a car, the car I Brought her.

"She's probably not even coming" I heard, I turned round to see Lyn-z stand there cross armed staring at me. I shook my head at her and turned back to looking out of the window. "She's not good for you" She whispered and I tightened my fist.

"Don't give me that crap" I spat out and she scoffed.

"You know its true, Did you know what Bandit did the other day Gerard?" She asked and I turned back to look at her, she walked towards me slowly.

"What?" I asked nervously

"I caught Bandit in the bathroom with some scissors in her hand, she held it to her wrist" She placed her hand over her mouth and breathed deeply to stop crying "She told me that she wanted to be just like Cassie" She whispered and a tear fell from her eye.

"You lie" I whispered weakly, Bandit wouldn't do that... Right?

"Ask her yourself!" She shouted and I looked down. What if Lyn-z was right? What if Cassie was a bad influence on Bandit... What if she was making me ill?

"Shut up" I said weakly trying to think it through

"She wasn't suppose to be in this family in the first place Gerard, she shouldn't be in it now. She's too messed up" She sighed and I started rubbing my forehead with my hand, She's right... She wasn't supposed to be in this family. What the hell was I thinking!? Why would I even say that In my mind? No! Cassie IS apart of this family! I love her like she's my own flesh and blood! I'm such a bad father.

"Hey dad" I heard a soft voice call out and I slowly looked up, this wasn't the time... This was all bad timing. Cassie stood there smiling at me but I couldn't smile back as I saw the scars on her arm still. I could see Lyn-z stare at her like dirt. Cassie turned to her and looked shocked, she hasn't really spoken to her fully.

"Get out" She spat out and I shot Lyn-z a look.

"W...Wait What?" Cassie asked confused

"Get out!" She screamed and Cassie jumped back. I saw 2 boys walk in and stare at Lyn-z. She shouldn't be acting like this... This is her daughter...

"Lyn-z!" I shouted and she stared at me, "She's our daughter" I snapped and she started shaking her head quickly.

"No, she isn't. Bandit's our daughter" She sighed and Cassie's smile turned upside down, I saw a tear fall from my eye and I walked over to her slowly.

"No Gerard" She whispered stepping back and I frowned at Lyn-z. "I don't belong here" She whispered running out of the front door.

"Cassie" I shouted to try and stop her but she kept running, I walked to the door but Lyn-z grabbed my arm.

"Leave her Gee, its for the best" She whispered and I gave in, I just gave up and gave in. Why? I don't know... I Felt weak. Tears filled my eyes and I swallowed hard. No one was with her and she was alone and venerable. I hope that she had some common sense to run back because people were after her and would be able to get her.

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