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Kota's POV

When the Krinar invasion happened, we did not suffer at first. The food shortages started when the alien race deemed our eating habits dangerous to our planet's health, then people lost jobs as businesses closed their doors. It was at the start of this when three Krinar Guardians came to my quiet neighborhood. Like the rest of my neighbors, my friends and I gathered on my front porch to watch. This was our chance to see the alien race in person.

The house they entered was across the street from the empty lot next to mine, giving us a good, view of what was going on to a certain extent. I did not know the family that lived there; they had only moved in two weeks ago. I had seen the parents and oldest daughter coming and going often while the youngest daughter rarely left the house. I would occasionally catch glimpses of her in the woods, but had failed to catch up to her and introduce myself. She looked so alone that I just wanted to reach out to her and let her know I was there for her, just a few steps away. It did not hurt that she was very beautiful. We knew that the Guardians were their soldiers and we were very curious about them. They wore all black and their uniform had a slight military look to them. We did not see any weapons, but we knew that was not proof that they were unarmed. They were big, bigger than Silas. I did not know about the others, but I knew I had no wish to meet one in a dark alley.

We watched as they entered the house with ease, forcing the door open with a mere touch of their hand. We heard screams, but they were of rage and hatred, none of pain or fear. They re-appeared a few minutes later with the leader carrying the youngest daughter. She did not seem frightened, she clung to him as if he was her savior, and he carried her as if she was the frailest of glass. The family followed them, hurling insults and slurs at them. The mother pulled out a gun and shot at the one carrying the girl, it hit some kind of force field, ricocheted, and caught the father in the stomach. One of the Krinar did something to the mother; she fell to the porch, unconscious. The eldest daughter gave a scream of pure hatred and threw herself at her younger sister. One of the Krinar stepped in her path, and she slammed into him. She fell to the ground, her body twitching as if she was having a fit. The leader gave an order, and the Krinar sent her into a deep sleep with a mere touch of his hand. It was then that we realized that the mother had not been aiming at the Krinar; she had intended to shoot her own daughter. Because we let ourselves become so wrapped up in what was going on across the street, none of us noticed that there was something wrong with Victor. He had almost reached the Krinar before we saw him running towards them. Several of us started to chase after him, but Mr. Blackbourne ordered us to stop. It was too late to stop Victor; we would never reach him in time. We could only hope that he was not foolish enough to attack them. Much to our amazement, he slowed down just before reaching them and simply spoke to them. Their leader responded, and when they left with the girl in their transport, Victor went with them and we had not heard from him since.

That happened five years ago. The Academy spoke to the Krinar Council on our behalf and been told that both were Krinar children who went missing just after birth and hid among us humans, their appearance altered so that they would blend in. All we knew was that both were currently on Krina and reunited with their families, their human parents arrested. Mr. Blackbourne was not satisfied with that, neither were we. While we knew there was nothing we could do now, we were certain Victor would return to Earth when he could escape, and would need our help to gain freedom from the Krinar. We just needed to be patient, gather as much information as we could and be prepared to act on a moment's notice. We would reclaim our brother.

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