Chapter 19 - Bri

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~Louis POV~

In that moment everything stopped. My heart felt as if it had dropped into my stomach and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. As I watched the doctors rushed around, I was paniced and slightly annoyed at how the doctors weren't even answering any of the panic filled questions me and Harry were frantically asking. Harry was in the middle of being stitched and my hand hasn't let his the whole time. But at the same time the only thing on our minds was our poor, innocent son. We didn't even know if our little boy was alive or not! My forehead was pressed to Harry's as he got stitched and we just whispered sweet nothings to each other.

Harry was wheeled into the recovery room and I sat in chair next to his bed with my hand sitting in his tightly. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever but in reality was only about 20 minutes. There was a knock on the door and my shot up hoping it was news about our baby but when the door opened it was our parents and friends. Kennedy was asleep on Anne's shoulder and I smiled a little when I seen her, but didn't say anything. 

"Well, where's the baby?! I wanna see my grandson!" My mom asks. I look at Harry to see he had fallen asleep and then look back and say "I don't know... He didn't cry when he was born and they took him away and won't tell us anything.." I wiped my eyes as tears filled them and sniffled a little. "They really didn't tell you anything?!" Anne asks as she lays Kennedy down on the pull out couch so she can nap in peace. 

I shake my head and say "I got to see him right after for two seconds, but I didn't get to hold him. Harry wasn't even able to see him. They rushed him out immeditally." Before anyone could say anything else, Harry shifted and opened his eyes and asked "How long was I out? Where's my baby?" I frown and say, "You were only asleep about 20 minutes and we still haven't heard anything, but I'm sure they'll tell us something soon. If not I'll go hound the nurses about it."  He nods and rubs his eyes and I help him sit up slightly. We all sit and talk for another 15 minutes before Harry starts getting annoyed. "Where are the nurses?! I wanna see my son! I have the right to see him! Why haven't they told us anything?!" He finally snaps. "Hold on, I'll go get a nurse." Anne says and gets up and leaves the room.

We all sit in silence for about five minutes before Anne comes back in the room with a smile on her face and before anything is said a nurse follows her in with an incubator with a tiny body in it. Me and Harry smile widely as it's pushed into the room. The doctor walks in right beind the nurse and politely asks everyone to leave but me and Harry, which earns him some whines which he ignores.

"Now, I apologize for giving you guys a bit of a scare, but we wanted to make sure everything was okay before we told you anything. Now your son is healthy in all aspects but one. Which we will discuss, but maybe you'd like to be able to hold your son while we talk?" Harry nods his head frantically with a grin on his face and the nurse who was still in the room wrapped the baby in a blanket before gently putting him into Harry's waiting arms. 

Harry smiles down at the sleeping baby and runs his finger over his soft cheek. "So perfect.." His whispers and I smile and kiss Harry's cheek before turning to the doctor and saying, "Okay so what's wrong with our baby?" Harry looks up from where he was cooing to the baby and looks at the doctor aswell. "So when he was born, he didn't cry. Which lead us to believe that maybe he couldn't breathe." Me and Harry nod as he continues. "We took him to the NICU to run some tests and he can breathe perfectly." I sigh in relief and grip Harry's free hand, "However we tested his senses. So eye sight, touch and hearing. And it turns out, your son is deaf." I gasp and I hear Harry breathe in deeply. "So he can't hear us?" Harry whimpers out. The doctor shakes his head no with a sympethetic look on his face. Harry frowns as he looks back down at our son and fixes his little hat and the baby whimpers so Harry bounces him slightly.

"How you wanna go about this is completely your choice. You can get him hearing aids, but if you choose to do that, I recommend waiting until he's one month old at least, so that he can respond to the sound better than he could right now. You don't have to get him hearing aids if you don't want to though. It's completely up to you. I would however recommend learning sign language, whether you get the hearing aids or not. Also, since he can't hear himself cry, he needs to sleep close to someone at all times. He won't be able to hear if someone is near, and until his eyes go into full focus he won't be able to see if someone is there either. So he might not sleep a whole lot." I sigh out and look the baby in Harry's arms.

Me and Harry both nod as we process the information. The doctor hands me a booklet and says, "These are the local places that will fit him for hearing aids and they'll help you learn sign langage for no extra charge. If you have any questions before your discharged, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be back in here tomorrow to check on the little guy." We say bye and as soon as he's gone, our family come back in. Our moms squeal as they see the baby, which wakes up Kennedy who was peacefully sleeping this whole time. She cries when she doesn't recongnize where she is, so I go pick her up. "What's his name?" Briana asks as she sways with Noah in her arms. "His name is Nolan Grayson Tomlinson- Styles." Harry says with a grin. 

Our Little Nolan..

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