*Chapter 9 - Bri

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~Harry's POV~

After filling out what felt like a million forms for this infant-toddler modeling company, a guy dressed in a fancy suit came up to us. "Hello Mr. and Mr. Styles! I'm Mr. Stevenson, but feel free to call me Robert. Louise has told me so much about you! Is this little Kennedy?" He says peering in on Kennedy's carrier that Louis was holding.

 I smile and nod saying "Yeah! This is her!" He smiles back at me and says "Well if you gentlemen would follow me, I'll show you her dressing room. We like to give dressing rooms to all the infants and toddlers, because if they get in a fussy mood, the parents like to have privacy." Me and Louis nod in understanding as we walk into a room with a pink door. "All the little girls are on this side of the building and little boys are on the other so we don't get clothes mixed up. Now, since it's your first time here, you won't be doing any magazine or commercial shoot yet. We thought we'd just do a regular photography shoot that way you can see how things work around here." I nod and he contiues, "Now I have to go check on somethings, but your stylist, Elizabeth, will be here in a few moments. If you have any concerns, just give me a call." He hands me his card and I slip it in Kennedys diaper bag before bidding him goodbye and me and Louis have a look around. 

The room was actually really nice looking. There was a little mini fridge on one side of the room along with a microwave on a counter that went along the wall. There was a couch, and a tv. There was also a computer, but it hand sticky note on it that said Staff Use Only so I'm guessing it's to look at the pictures afterwards. Just as I'm about to say something Kennedy lets out a squeal saying shes awake and she wants attention. Louis sets down her carrier on the coffee table thats in the middle of the room and unstraps her a picks her up. He sets her on his shoulder, and she moves her head around the room looking at the unfamiliar place. She looks over at me and I grin and say "Hello Love Bug! Did you have a nice nap?" She squeals and starts reaching her arm out to me, which she just started doing a couple days ago. I grin widely and take her from Louis and she lays her head on my shoulder and yawns. 

Louis cooes and says "She just wanted her Daddy!" I smile and right when I'm about to reply a women in about her mid-twenties walks in the room. "Hello! I'm Elizabeth. You must be Louis and Harry Styles. And little Kennedy?" Louis shakes her hand as do I and he says "Yep thats us! It's nice to meet you!" She smiles at us and starts talking us through how the whole shoot works. I end up not being able to pay much attention though, as I get a funny feeling in my stomach and start to feel nauseous. I push the feeling away, thinking it's probably just becaus I haven't eaten much this morning. Elizabeth takes Kennedy out of Louis' arms and takes her over to the prep area and we follow. She takes the outfit that Kennedy is supposed to wear and puts it on here as quick as possible and before we know it, we're being hussled out of the room and taken to the set. Of course we're used to having our pictures taken, because we have our own photoshoots all the time, but when it came to Kennedy, so far we'd been very private about it and didn't take her out all that much. 

We took tons of photos. Me and Louis we're even in some and but the time we were finished Kennedy was passed out and I just wanted to go home because I was starting to feel worse than I did earlie. I was starting to think maybe I caught the flu or something. And as we walked back to the dressing room I caught a whiff of something and gagged. I covered my mouth and ran to the room, thankful that Louis was carrying Kennedy. 

I dashed into the bathroom and emptied my stomach into the toilet. I heard Louis walk in and he must of set Kennedy in her car seat or something cause he enters the bathroom without her a kneels next to me rubbing my back. I finish puking and lean back into his chest with tears streaming down my face. He moves the hair out of my face and feels my forehead. "You don't have a fever. Babe, why didn't you tell me you didn't feel well?" I sigh and say "Because I didn't feel that bad until a few minutes ago." He kisses my temple and stands up helping me up as well. We walk into the room and start to feel tired and I really just wanna sleep. Louis looks at me and says "We'll go home and you can take a nap." 

I nod and close my eyes as the nauseous feeling comes back. After it passes me and Louis grab our stuff and walk out to the car I say"My mouth tastes so bad right now." He chuckles as he buckles Kennedy's seat in and says "I know the feeling. I was pregnant, remember?" My eyes widen at that and I think back to a month ago, where Louis topped only once.

I couldn't be pregnant, could I? I mean it's definitely possible, but me and Louis both got tested to see if we were carriers and mine came back negative. My mind was racing with thoughts as we Louis drove us home. As he drove though, I texted Briana and said "Mind if we stop by? I need your help." She replied right away saying we could and I told Louis "Hey lets stop by Niall and Briana's. Let them see Kennedy for a little bit." He nods hesitantly saying "Okay, but if you start to feel worse tell me and we'll leave." I nod and we're soon pulling into the driveway. He grabs the sleeping baby and we walk to their front door. I ring the doorbell and Niall opens the door and grins at Kennedy. He says hi to Louis and just gives me a look as I look down at my feet. Niall being mad at me is the least of my worries at the moment. And we walk in the door.

 I see Briana in the living room and give her a pleading look that says 'Please come help me' She looks at me concerned and says "Hey Harry. Come to the kitchen, I wanna show you something." And we walk to the kitchen leaving Louis and Niall with Kennedy in the living room. As soon as the kitchen door is shut I latch on to her and let out a sob. She gasps and wraps her arms around me hugging me back. She pushed me away by my shoulders after a minute and says "What the heck is going on Harry? Are you okay?" I glance at the door making sure no was walking in before whispering "I think I'm pregnant!" Her eyes widen and she smiles and says "Harry that's gre-" I cover her mouth and say "Shh! What am I gonna do?! Kennedy is only three months old! How are we gonna handle another baby!" 

She looks at me for a minute before dragging me up the stairs to the bathroom. She closes the door and digs in the cabinet and pulls out a box and thrusts it into my hands. "Take all three of them and I'll wait outside tell me when your done." She leaves the bathroom and I look down at the box of pregnancy texts and sigh before doing my buisness on the three sticks. I open the door and she walks in and waits with me. After two minutes the timer I set goes off and I say "You look at them I can't do it." She nods and flips over the tests before looking at me and from the look in her eyes I know they were all positive. She hugs and I cry into her neck. Then all of a sudden, her gasps and pulls out of the hug and cradles her six month bump. "Bri? Are you okay?" She goes to answer but then she gasps again and lets out a cry and I look down and see her sweat pants she was wearing we're soaked. She looks up at me with fearful eyes and says "My water just broke!" And the caos happens...

Don't kill me! We won't leave you in supense for long! I'm not that mean! Anyways, I know this isn't my best chapter and I apologize for that, I tried really hard! I hope you enjoyed it still, and I think Anna's gonna be posting the next chapter. Vote and comment and all that jazz! And follow me and Anna on our personal accounts @HarrysBlueEyedLover (Me) and @NauticalScribbles (Anna) and follow this account as well if you like this story! Later Lovlies!

Yours sincerly,


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