*Chapter 4 - Anna

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I sat at the counter, Kennedy in one arm and a cup of tea in my hand. Louis was buttering toast and I stared longingly at him while he had his back turned. My phone buzzed. Kennedy jumped a little but I bobbed her and she calmed. I pressed 'accept' and held the phone to my ear. A familiar Irish voice rang on the line. "Hazza! How's it going bro?" Niall asked cheerfully. I chuckled a bit. "Yeh, everything's alright Ni. Not gonna lie though, this shit's hard. I'm crap at it I don't know anything, Louis' a natural." I said, more for Louis' sake then Niall's. I saw Louis shake his head a little. He could see right through me. "How's my favorite niece-goddaughter?" He asked, a note of smugness in his voice. I laughed aloud. "She's both your only niece and only goddaughter. She's doing well as far as I can see. She was actually asking me about her favorite uncle Liam this morning though!" I joked. "Oh haha, very funny Harold," Niall said sarcastically. We laughed and chatted a bit before Niall asked, "Listen, Bri and I were wondering if we could visit. Maybe Liam too?" He asked hopefully. 

Admittedly, part of me wanted to say no. I was exhausted and I knew Louis was too. I sighed and put my hand over the mic. "Hey Lou?" I asked hopefully. He clenched his jaw and turned to me. "Um... Niall wants to come over with Bri and Liam." I said. He nodded silently and returned to his breakfast. I shook my head sadly. "Uh yeh sure Niall, that would be lovely." I answered him. "Great, we'll be around at about two." The irish lad said. I smiled and we said our goodbyes. Louis sighed exasperatedly. "Look Lou, we need to start talking again. I miss you." I said. He smiled sadly. "You really think I would hurt our baby Harry.." He started. "You really think I would ever put her in any remote danger, let alone hurt her myself. I told you, I have six little sisters and I've helped take care of every one of them. I know what I'm doing and I'm happy to show you how but you need to start trusting yourself. She's not gonna remember if you make the milk a tiny bit too cold, or clip her onesie buttons wrong. Your a great dad and so am I and she's doing amazingly well." He said, sitting down on the bar stool next to me. Suddenly, I felt my cheeks get a little wet and I started to cry.

"I'm sorry Lou, I'm such a bad husband oh, I'm so sorry!" I cried, losing it all together and falling into Louis' shoulder. Louis seemed a bit taken aback but he just rubbed my shoulder and tried his best to calm me. "I......just....I don't wanna..m-mess it up" I wailed again. Louis chucked a little at my crazy surge of emotion. "Harry, baby, it's ok, your doing great. Your not messing anything up. Come on now, don't cry." He said, planting a soft kiss onto my head. 

I took a few deep breaths and suddenly, a cry was heard. I forgot I was holding Kennedy and she was startled by my sudden outburst. "Aw baby girl, shh, shh. Daddy's sorry I woke you my love." I said, stroking her head. Louis laughed lightly as I dried my eyes. "Gosh, and the nurses said I'd be emotional for a while after she's born." He laughed, kissing her head. Louis had suggested we bathe her but I said I wanted to just give her a sponge bath as I wasn't comfortable putting the tiny baby in the water just yet. He had agreed if I promised to give her a proper bath next time. Louis dressed her in her 'I love my Uncle Niall' baby-grow that I loved, while I tidied the living room and made tea. 

The guys arrived at two on the dot. I left Louis holding Kennedy on the sofa and answered the door. "HAZZA!" Niall cried and I was immediately engulfed by my best friend, his bleach-blonde hair tickling my face. "Hey Ni! long time, no see." I laughed, rubbing his shoulder. He released his grip and I peered behind him to see Liam, beaming. He too hugged me. "Hey mate, we've missed you guys." He said, squeezing me tightly. Finally, there was Bri. She looked amazing, obviously as a result of the pregnancy. Her skin was absolutely glowing and she smiled widely and hugged me too.

"Well where is she?! I get first hold!!" Niall cried, bouncing through the door. "Living room with Lou!" I called after him, as he scrambled in the direction. We chuckled as Liam and Bri entered too and we headed to the living room, Bri rolling her eyes at her boyfriends childishness. Everyone sat down and Niall practically attacked Louis with hugs before taking his goddaughter in his arms. "Hi darling, I've missed you" he said softly, playing with her little fingers. "Look Bri! She's so tiny and small and tiny and cute and small and oh my god look at her little face!" He gushed excitedly. 

Bri rolled her eyes again. "I swear Niall, when this baby comes I won't get a look in." She said, patting her small bump. We all smiled fondly and chatted quietly until Nialls turn was well and truly up and Liam looked like he was about to explode for want to hold her. Niall begrudgingly handed his 'niece' over to her 'uncle' and a huge smile spread across his features. "Hello little one, oh she's so beautiful guys" he said happily, looking up to me and Louis, who had his head on my shoulder. "She is isn't she?" Louis hummed. Liam played with her for a while while Bri and Niall chatted to us about being new parents. Niall was incredibly excited (shocker!) while Bri was more nervous, still happy though. Obviously it was a bit different because Louis was male and Bri was female but I figured we could give some sound advice. All in all, we had an amazing afternoon and evening. 

Kennedy had fallen asleep in Liam's arms, which he was incredibly smug about. I eased her out of his arms and carried her carefully upstairs to bed. I watched her for a minute, her little eyelids fluttering and her tiny chest moving up and down under her cotton jersey. A small tear pricked at my eye. I was so proud already, and all shed done was sleep, eat and cry like hell, and yet, I felt a huge knot of pride and joy and unconditional love swell in my chest to where I almost thought it would burst. I sniffed back my emotion and looked over to the door to see Louis, beaming at the scene.

"Don't laugh at me, I cant help it, she's so perfect." I said, laughing a bit in spite of myself. Louis walked over and slid his hands around my waist, planting a beautiful kiss on my cheek. "She is, as are you." He said huskily. I blushed, and smashed my lips onto his. He reached up and threw his arms around my neck. I hadn't felt this close to him in a while. I had missed him. After a minute, Louis broke the kiss and took my hand. "Oh how I've missed those lips." He said and took my hand, leading me out of Kennedy's room into ours.

You can guess what happened next...

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