Chapter 12 - Anna

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(Dedicated to @loiiedude123 because a lot of out notifications are for you, so thanks for that lovely!)

"So what do you think his name is?" Liam asked, keeping his eyes on the road. Harry was gazing out the window, in his own world of missing his husband and baby girl.

"Harry?" Liam prodded his arm.
"Oh ummm, maybe after Nialls dad, or Greg or something. I dunno" Harry said half-heartedly. Liam sighed, frowning. .
"Come on Harry, you were practically ready to chop off your left arm to find out the name of the baby before....the other night. I know it's shitty right now but Niall and Briana and our nephew need you. I promise you Louis and Kennedy are fine. I'm in touch with Zayn alright?" Liam begged. Harry bolted upright.
"Zayn?! That's who Louis been hiding out with! Jesus fucking Christ I'm going to kill him!" Harry cried angrily.
"Oh, you didn't know..." Liam mumbled.
"No I didn't fucking know Liam! Of all people he thinks he can just swoop in now and offer Louis a place and break my family apart like he did with the band. I'm calling him right now!" Harry swore, fumbling for his phone. Liam took one hand off the wheel to stop him.
"No, you're not. Look I know he shouldn't be offering Louis anything. There's a reason the dickhead isn't on our couch. They've always had a bond, and Zayn probably knows that none of us will take Louis. We may love him but he is not welcome so long as he acts like that towards you or your baby. No matter what he's still your husband and you don't want him to be basically homeless do you?" Liam reasoned with Harry, who was crying again.
"No," he sniffed. "But as soon as he gets some divorce or annulment papers or some shit then he's not my husband anymore and he can be as homeless as he likes." Harry snapped. Liam gulped and paused for a second.
"You don't mean that. And he's not going to get any divorce-annulment-anti-Harry papers ok? He loves you he's just terrified. He's working his own shit out yeh?" Liam said. Harry sniffed again and dried his eyes.
"He has to come back eventually." Harry stated, signalling clearly to Liam that the conversation was over. .
'Hey mate. How's things?" Harry asked Niall, once they'd pulled away from a tight hug. Niall smiled weakly.
"Uh yeh, okay I guess. Bri is getting stronger, nearly ready to go home. Baby is the same, still on all the tubes and stuff. He's gained half a pound though!" Niall updated them.
"That great! Already big and strong like his dad then." Liam said fondly. Niall blushed.
"Come on, Briana and I want to tell you his name. I don't think I can wait any longer!" Niall babbled. Liam and Harry smiled widely before following Niall into the lift and down to the basement where the NICU was. They did the sanitizer and thoroughly washed their hands like the nurse had showed them. They then had to leave their jackets in the cloak room.
When they finally were allowed in, they saw Briana sitting on an arm chair, with the tiny baby in her arms. He was covered in more blankets than Harry could count, and all his wires and tubes were carefully arranged so they wouldn't snag. His tiny heart could be heard on the monitor and it made Harry anxious whenever it went even the littlest bit off. Niall beamed and Briana smiled warmly at them. Liam bent down to kiss her cheek and stroke the baby's head that was covered in a blue knitted hat. Harry did the same while Niall pulled over three chairs and they all sat in a little cluster. Harry tried to ignore the ache of missing Louis to focus on the family that was with him.
"Well boys, you know we didn't want to tell you his name right away because it was all very unstable and stuff?" Briana said. Harry and Liam nodded. "Well he's still so little and ill, as you know, but he's doing well, we've been told. And so, Uncle Liam and Uncle Harry, this is Noah James Horan." Briana announced. Harry and Liam jumped up to hug both of them.
"Aw it's so perfect guys! He looks just like a Noah." Liam squealed, yes squealed. Harry bent down to the tiny baby.
"Hi there Noah, I'm glad we can finally be properly introduced." He said, smiling. Niall was wiping a few stray tears at the sight of his best friend doting over his little boy like that, and his beautiful wife who had given him such a perfect family.
" wait so can we finally tweet and put the fans out of their misery?!" Liam begged. Niall and Briana nodded and laughed.
"Go on then, they deserve to know." Niall chuckled. Harry and Liam looked at each other, grinning like school boys and whipped out their phones. They didn't want to hassle Briana and get her out of her position with her son just so they could snap a pic with him, so Harry and Liam just went into their camera rolls and attached their most recent pictures of Noah. They then got each other to take a photo of the other with Niall, Briana and baby Noah and then a nurse to take a group picture.
Harry attached all his pictures and tweeted
'Here he is, Noah James Horan! The boys and I are overjoyed to have such a perfect little boy with us. All the love, Uncle H.' He smiled as people were already going crazy and clicked off Twitter, putting his phone away.
"They already love him" he chuckled. Niall smiled
"I'm happy they finally know." He said. Harry and Liam nodded. They all sat for a while, doting on Noah, asking countless questions. After a while, Harry went quiet. He missed Kennedy and he wanted Louis.
"Harry mate, you alright?" Liam whispered. Harry shook his head.
"No, I miss them so much Li, so fucking much." He sniffled. Liam frowned, Niall and Briana were looking now.
"Look maybe Niall could leave here for a few hours and we can go back to mine and get pizza and beers and stuff, we can talk it out?" Liam suggested, looking at Niall. Niall nodded.
"If Bri doesn't mind being on her own for a bit, I'm sure that'd would be nice. You need to talk man, you're crippling inside and we can all see it." Niall said. Briana nodded.
"You should go babe, get out of this place for a while. I promise I'll call if anything at all crops up yeh?" Briana assured. Niall nodded hesitantly.
"Ok then, but I swear you need to call me at the absolute smallest thing ok? Even if you just want me here, please." Niall insisted. Briana smiled and kissed her husbands cheek.
"I promise." Niall smiled and raised his eyebrows at Harry.
"Well I guess it couldn't hurt. I mean the house is so bloody empty. No beers tho, baby remember?" Harry chuckled, pointing at his belly. Liam smiled.
"Well I'm still having a beer, and Niall sure needs one, look at him, the poor Irishman is sober, a sin in itself." Liam said, dramatically fanning Niall. Everyone laughed and they got up to say goodbye to Noah.
"Bye little man. Your favourite uncle will miss you so much." Liam cooed, striking the baby's head.
"And your real favourite uncle will miss you more." Harry said smugly, holding his tiny hand.

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