*Chapter 10 - Anna

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Oh shit. Harry thought, he quickly grabbed Briana and sat her on the kitchen chair, "LOU, NIALL GET IN HERE!" he shouted. As he heard them shuffling, he thought fast and scooped the three pregnancy tests off the counter and hid them into his hoodie pocket, just in time as Louis rushed through the door.
"What's wrong? Oh my god baby what's happening?!" Niall cried, not even looking at Harry and rushing straight to Briana, who was in tears on her chair, clutching her bump and saying 'it's too early' over and over again.
"Louis we need an ambulance. Now!" Niall demanded. Louis looked to Harry who just shook his head.
"They'll be too slow we need her in the car." Harry muttered. Niall and Louis looked at each other.
"We've just had beers." Louis said.
"It's fine I'll drive help me get her up." Niall rushed. Harry pushed in front of him.
"You're not in a state to drive Niall, you've had a beer and you're freaking the hell out." He said sternly. Niall grumbled and it took a minute for everyone to realise he was still being a stubborn prat and holding his grudge against Harry.
"For Christs sake Niall! I'm having our fucking baby right now and you're standing there being an ass to your best friend. Get me in the bloody car now!" Briana cried, making her way slowly to the door. Niall finally snapped and nodded to Harry before following Briana to help her into the vehicle.
   Harry and Louis sat in the grim hospital waiting room, hand in hand. Liam had arrived soon after them and he was currently wandering around the hospital with Kennedy.
"It's weird being back here. Almost makes you want to do it all over again." Harry purposely remarked, playing casual. Louis scrunched his nose.
"I guess, but we're not having another any time soon, oh no. Kennedy is amazing but goodness she's hard work. This factory is closed for business until further notice!" Louis laughed, gesturing up and down his torso. Harry's heart felt like it had been crushed into a million pieces. He faked a chuckle and a smile, but all he wanted to do was cry. Louis didn't want another baby, and that was that.
   It seemed like years until Niall finally appeared, eyes red rimmed and teary, complexion ghostly. The boys jumped up and rushed to him. Harry got there first, Niall collapsing into a pile of tears.
"He's not gonna make it. Too small, so fucking small" he rambled, shaking his head Into Harry's shoulder, not capable of stringing a proper sentence together. Liam, Louis and Harry exchanged horrified glances before Louis said,
"He will Niall, he's a fighter just like his daddy ok? Calm down Ni." He rubbed his best friends shoulder. Liam looked as though he was going to throw up, Harry was I'm shock.
"How's Bri?" Harry practically whispered. Niall had managed to pull himself together slightly.
"Um, yeh fine, healthy I think. Upset." He said. The boys nodded.
"Can we see him?" Liam asked. Niall looked at him as if he wasn't expecting the question at all.
"You really want to? He's really small and there's wires and tubes. It's horrible." Niall muttered. Liam nodded.
"Of course we want to see him. He's pretty much our nephew and hell knows we love him enough." Louis piped up. Niall bit his lip.
"Ok, Kennedy won't be allowed in the NICU though." Harry and Louis glanced at each other. Louis smiled sadly.
"Go love, Niall needs you." He said, squeezing his husbands hand. Harry nodded and handed Louis his hoodie and Kennedy's baby carrier, following Niall and Liam.
  Harry's breath hitched a she peered carefully into the glass incubator. Lying there, helpless was the tiniest baby Harry'd ever seen. Immediately, he started crying. He was far, far too small. He was wearing a small blue hat that looked positively ginormous compared to the tiny head of the baby. Sadness and sheer joy mingled together in his stomach as he smiled tearfully. He looked at Niall who was gazing at his son from behind Harry. Liam was next to Harry, in much the same state.
"He's so beautiful Ni." Harry sniffed. Niall smiled.
"He is really something isn't he?" Was his reply. Just then, a nurse came and opened one of the little windows in the glass.
"You can touch him but just avoid wires and stuff? Congratulations." She said, directing the last part at Niall as she walked away. Harry took a deep breath and slid his hand through, petrified he would snag a wire and hurt his nephew. He stroked his tiny hand. It was barely bigger than The tip of Harry's thumb.
"Hey there baby boy. I'm your Uncle Harry. Um, I'm kind of scared at the moment, you're like really tiny and I don't want to break you. You're gonna be such a good boy. You're mummy and daddy love you so much, as do we." He said, looking at Liam.
"Just hurry up and get better ok? There's so many people waiting to meet you, like you're future wife Kennedy. She's gonna love you." He continued, drying his eyes.
"I'm gonna give you over to your Uncle Liam now. But first I gotta give you a Kiss from Uncle Louis, because he's sad that he doesn't get to meet you." Harry held is first and middle fingers to his mouth, kissing them and slipping them back into the incubator to press to the baby's cheek. "Bye baby...., wait does he have a name?" Harry asked Niall. Niall smiled,
"Yeh he does. But that's a surprise for another day." Was his reply. Harry nodded.
"Well by baby Horan. I'll miss you." He said. The baby, of course didn't react to Harry's contact, in fact, Harry was pretty sure he was asleep. But that didn't matter, he was getting big and strong to be able to come home to Niall and Briana and everything would be the way it was meant to be. Until Louis found out about their baby, of course. Harry was pretty sure he'd be spending quite a while on Liam's couch then.
   It was a very silent ride home for Louis and Harry, minus Kenneth's gurgling in her car seat. Neither of them really spoke and Harry couldn't feel like something was off with Louis. He figured it was the fact he didn't get to see the baby, but he'd have his chance. The reset of the day was spent with them doing their own things. Neither interacted with one another bar a few hugs and tears. They just needed to think for themselves and take time to process what was happening. Both of them knew deep down that there was a very strong chance the newest addition to the "Family" might not survive, and it was eating them alive.
   As soon as Harry had put Kennedy to sleep he felt sick, again. The pregnancy coupled with the stress of Niall and Briana was taking its tole on him. He decided to go out for some air.  When he stepped outside and sat down he realised it was quite chilly. He went to zip up his hoody when he realised, he wasn't wearing it. He jumped up, remembering three very important items were in the front pocket. He lept up and ran inside.
"Louis baby?! Uh have you seen my hoodie? The green one? I really need it!" He called up the stairs. No answer. He looked around frantically before running upstairs to their room. Louis wasn't in there, but he soon laid eyes on what he wanted. His hoodie, folded up next to his pillow, beside it, the three positive pregnancy tests lined up. Harry's heart sank.

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