*Chapter 2 - Bri

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When I wake up I see that our moms left probably to get something to eat. I decide that I want to see my baby so I get Harry's attention. "Harry? Can I hold her? I didn't really get to hold her before I fell asleep." I say

"You don't have to ask, she is your daughter too. Why don't you feed her while I go and get everyone, so they can come and meet her?" Harry says handing me the sleeping baby.

"Yeah, that's fine." I say grabbing the bottle thats on the bed side table. Harry walks over to me and says, "I'll be right back, okay?"

"Okay." And then he kisses my lips and Kennedy's forehead and then he walks out of the room.


*Harry's POV*

I walk out of the hospital room and to the waiting area. When I get there everyone rushes to me and asks me all kinds of questions, except for Niall and Bri because they have already seen her, which reminds me we still need to tell them their the god-parents.

"She's perfect! I've just met her and I already love her to pieces! Would you guys like to see her?" I ask them

"Of course! I want to see my little niece! I am going to spoil her rotton! Oh and Harry here is her car-seat and the nursery is finished, all we really had to do is put the crib up." Liam says and as we are walking down the hallway to his room I say "When we get in there be quite because Louis is probably sleeping,okay?" they all nod and I slowly and see that Louis was awake and gazing down at Kennedy and as I was about to talk he starts to sing I wave everybody in and put my finger to my lips signaling to them to be quite and they all walk in as quite as they can and we all listen to Louis singing. The song went like this.....

"Midnight moonlight shining through the curtain lace,

Paints a perfect picture on your perfect face,

One sweet angel sleeping in my arms,

You are the promise I knew God would keep,

You are the gift that makes my world complete,

And you'll never know how much I love you,

But I'll keep on telling you my whole life through,

Now I believe in miracles, and you're the reason why,

So dream on while I sing you my angel's lullaby"

By the time he was finished singing everyone was in tears. Then Louis looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back and I said "Should we tell them now?" He nodded and I went and took Kennedy out of his arms and walked over to Niall and Briana and said "Niall, Briana meet your godchild." I said and they looked at me wide-eyed then they smiled and Niall asked "Can I hold her?" I nodded and showed him how to support her head and when he was holding her right he started talking to her

 "Hi baby, your so pretty you know that, right? You look like Harry!" Then he carefully handed her to Briana and she smiled and handed her back to me and said "Guys I have something to tell you!" We all looked at her confused and she said "Guys I'm pregnant!" and then she smiled putting a hand on her stomach and then Niall hugged her from behind and said "I guess it's our turn then!" And everyone cheered!

Forever(Larry Stylinson *MPreg*) BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now