Chapter 11 - Anna

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"I just thought you might come to me. You know considering you're my husband and supposedly not a carrier but still pregnant." Louis' icy voice said. Harry spun around, already holding back tears.
"Louis, I'm, I didn't know until yesterday morning ok? Briana went into labour I couldn't just suddenly say 'oh yeh by the way I'm pregnant now let's go to the hospital." Harry defended himself. Louis clenched his hands a jaw, shutting his eyes, anger visible on every inch of his face.
"How could you not know Harry? I can't believe this. We can't have another baby. Not now, Kennedy's only six months old for Christs sake. Jesus."he said. Harry sniffed and wiped his cheeks.
"I had no idea Louis I swear. I never had any of the stuff you have like moodiness or fatigue or hormones or whatever happens I don't know I never had that. And then I'm just suddenly pregnant. How the fuck do you think I feel?!" Harry snapped.
"We are not, I repeat not having another baby Harry. That's just that. We'll be on tour and all the shit with Niall and Briana and God only knows. It's not happening I can't do it." Louis stated bluntly. Harry burst into full on tears at this point.
"How can you say that when you're already a dad and were married and we have the money and the space. This is our baby just as much as Kennedy is!" Harry shouted angrily.
"Oh shut up will you Jesus Christ Harry what are you fucking thinking?! A second baby! I'm only 25 for crying out loud!" Louis shouted back.
"Shut up you dick you'll wake our daughter that you claim to love so dearly." Harry growled. With that, Louis scoffed, grabbed a duffel bag and threw some Pajamas and his phone and charger in it, before going into their bathroom and taking his toothbrush and putting in the bag.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Harry demanded. Louis didn't reply as Harry followed him to Kennedy's room.
"Louis you can't wake her stop being so stupid and calm down." Harry whisper-shouted. Without hesitation Louis bent over kennedys cot and picked her up, putting her straight in her car seat carrier that was on the floor next to her crib. He clipped her in and thanked Jesus she didn't wake up before checking her diaper bag was fully packed. When he was sure he had the necessities, he slung both bags in his shoulder and picked up his daughter in her car seat and walked straight out the front door. All the while Harry was just bawling his eyes out, calling for him to stop,and think about what he was doing and how Louis couldn't just leave Harry alone. But he did.

   "What can I get you?" A familiar voice said. Louis looked up and smiled weakly.
"A tea would be ace. Please?" He asked. His friend smiled.
"Yeh alright, no problem. Has Harry called?" Was the friendly reply.
"So many times mate, I just can't face him. I just took her and left." Louis replied, looking over to where Kennedy was gurgling in her makeshift bassinet.
"It's so nice to finally meet her. I didn't want to ask because I know I didn't leave on the best terms." Zayn said. Louis nodded.
"I didn't have anyone else to go to and I mean you're pretty impartial considering you don't have an invested interest in the band anymore. You're now just my mate, no strings." Louis mused. Zayn chuckled.
"Gosh Louis can't believe I've just been friend-zoned. I'm heart broken." Zayn placed a hand on his chest and elaborately fanned himself. Louis laughed.
"You're a tosser, now go get me my tea." He said. Zayn jumped up and saluted him before heading into the kitchen.
"Do you miss daddy Kennedy?" Louis asked his daughter, who just gazed up at him, bewildered. "I know you do. I miss him too you know. I don't really know when we'll see him again baby girl. But I do know, that no matter what happens, he'll never leave you. Ok baby? Your daddy and papa will always be here for you." He didn't notice the tears pricking at his eyes until they had spilled over. He sniffed and scooped Kennedy into his arms, holding her close and letting it all out. She just drooled on his shoulder as he cried harder and harder. He missed his Harry, but he knew he wouldn't take him back. He had fucked it all up so badly. He was terrified, about it all. He was terrified of having another baby and if he didn't then he was terrified of losing Harry. Zayn just made his tea and set it on the coffee table quietly, tiptoeing back out if the rio to let his friend have his moment. He needed it.
   After a while Louis calmed down, drying his eyes and frowning at the now cold cup of tea. He looked down to where Kennedy was asleep. He smiled sadly, kissing her little head before heading into 'his' room to put her into the fold-out cot. When Lux was born, each of the boys bought the same fold-out crib to keep in their homes for whenever Lou came to stay, which was often. When Harry and Louis found out they were expecting, it was decided that Lux was too big for the cribs and they would now be assigned to "baby Styles" as she was known until they announced that she was a girl and they chose a name. Louis smiled at the memories of lux rolling around in the cot, laughing and smiling up at him or Liam or any of the others. Now it was his baby girl and he couldn't be prouder. He had just hoped Harry would be by his side. His eyes drifted over to the bed, which all of a sudden looked so pillowy and soft, Louis felt almost drawn to kick off his shoes and crawl in, falling asleep in seconds.

Harry rubbed his tired weepy eyes, staring the ceiling. He was lying in the couch, where he had been for the past few days. He'd given up calling Louis, knowing no good would come of it. He placed his hand on his small bump, sighing sadly.
"I don't know what to do Bean. I have no idea where your daddy is and I miss your sister so much." His voice started to quiver, "I, I'm just.... I'm so lonely. I have no one but you and you're not even really here yet. I know he loves us deep down Bean, but I don't know if he'll come back. It might just be you and me, you know? Would you be ok with that? I'd try my best to be a good dad, and I'm sure your sister would visit sometimes, does that sound ok?" He said, wiping his eyes. Of course, his tiny baby didn't show any sign that he or she was listening, but that didn't matter to Harry. They were a team now and that's all he cared about. He grunted and got up, looking around to see what needed clearing away. There wasn't much as he'd been insensately cleaning since Louis left to keep his mind off of things. He picked up a few plates and began to wash them, sniffing back his tears all the time. He then went to the cupboards to make sure everything was in its place and then to the medicine cabinet. He had found a full bottle of Louis' pre-natal vitamins that he'd taken with Kennedy and Harry figured there'd be no harm in taking them. He wanted to provide the best start for his baby considering he was going to be alone. He swallowed the blue pill and downed a pint of water, wincing at the taste. Just then, his phone rang.
"Harry, how're you doing mate?" Liam's voice came down the phone.
"Um ok I guess. Trying to keep my mind off things you know?" Harry replied sadly. Liam nodded on the other end of the phone.
"Um, listen. I'm dropping by the hospital now, I was wondering if I could pick you up on the way and we can go see the baby?" He asked. Harry frowned.
"Um, oh I don't know. Baby, me, pregnant, Louis. I, um well I guess I Don-" Liam cut him off.
"Harry I'll be around in ten. It'll be good for you to get out of the house, and Niall said he'll tell us the name and we can do like a Twitter thing and stuff yeh?" He said. Harry sighed.
"Oh alright then. See you in a bit." He relented. He walked into his and Louis' room to change and ruffle his hair, and of course examine his bump before Liam rang the bell.

Forever(Larry Stylinson *MPreg*) BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now