Chapter 17

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*Shane's P.O.V*
As he slid the ring onto my finger, I began to sob uncontrollably. I have waited for this day for a long time and now that the day has finally come I know what it is like to be truly happy. Ever since the day we began dating, I knew he was the was the one. He is my everything and I don't ever plan on letting him go. He is so handsome and he loves me for who I am. I hope he knows that he makes me happy as can be.
"Um, Shane?" Joey looked at me as if I were crazy.
"What?" I said muttering as he wiped away my tears.
"What are you thinking of?" He asked as he snaked his arms around my waist.
"Im thinking of our future together and how happy we will be. Waking up to see each others faces and morning cuddles. You holding me when I get scared. You taking care of me when I'm sick and vise versa. Showering together at night and taking baths together. I can't wait for it all. You are my everything and I want to prove it to you by making you the happiest man alive. I never want you to leave me. Baby, I want you to know that I want to make you the happiest man alive. I want you to know you are perfect and that nothing will make me change how I think of you. You are perfect no matter what."
He pulled me into a tighter hug and began sobbing on my chest because now he knew how much he meant to me. I stroked his hair and he cried on me. He let go and grabbed my hand.
Joey then looked at me and smiled," Thank you so much Shaney. I love you so much."
That is when he pulled me in for a long kiss. It almost seemed magical. Joeys eyes were as bright as could be and I pulled him in more and deepened the kiss. He then back away took my hand as we walked to my mothers house.
*Joey's P.O.V*
When I pulled away I took his hand as we began walking to Shane's mom's house or as you can now say my mother-in-laws house so we could stay a few nights to look for a rental home.
As we walked in I had to say," Hellooo my new Mother-In-Law!"
Shane's mom walked in and said," Mother-In-Law? Thats a new one- wait who proposed first?"
I bowed and said," Guilty as charged Mrs. Dawson."
"Well Good! Shane! Get over here so I can see the ring!!" She said grabbing Shane by the shirt and grabbing his hand.
"Mom! Don't mess up my shirt! This is my favorite one!" Shane said batting her hand away.
"Well then get over here and lemme see your ring."
She took his hand and looked at the ring pleased.
"Joey, I will allow you to marry my son, if you hurt him, I hurt you, got it?" She said sternly.
"Yes ma'am." I said to her.
Shane tugged at my sleeve signaling me to go upstairs. We both jumped onto his bed and we cuddled together. I laid on Shane's chest as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.
"You know, No words can explain how happy I am with you, right?" He asked me as I was dozing off.
"Yes. You know that you are the only one that i'll ever love, right?" I asked him back slightly slurring my words.
"Yes Joey. You can go to sleep if you want sleepy head." Shane giggled.
"Okay..." I said falling asleep slowly.
*Shane's P.O.V*
As Joey fell asleep on my chest I began thinking of the future. I was imagining the wedding and I was pleased what I saw. I imagined a winter wedding out in the woods. Joey would be wearing a light gray tuxedo with a white dress shirt and a black tie. There would be a blue strip of carpet for me to walk down. Joey would be waiting for me at the end and my mom would walk me down the aisle. I would be wearing a black Tuxedo with a white shirt and a silver tie. Then I thought of after the wedding and how I always wanted 2 kids. One girl and one boy.  Joey would make a great father. Me, ha, well I would do my best to be a fatherly figure for my kids. I'd give them so much of my love. I would be working for the money and Joey would be the stay at home dad. When I get home from work I would hangout with my kids and play Call Of Duty with them. I would allow them to be whoever they want and I would fully support them. No matter who they are. I would have pictures of our family on my locker at work and everyone that past by them would say," What a beautiful family you have." And I would say," Yeah I know they are." Joey and I would teach our children to never judge a book by its cover. They would accept anybody no matter what. Then I imagine Joey and I growing old together and sitting in our rocking chairs questioning where our youth went and telling each other how much we love each other.
That is when I heard a voice.
"What are you thinking of Shane?" My mom said to me as I was "staring off into lala land" as she calls it.
"Oh, nothing important mom. Im just thinking of the future and how if this would've happened in the past, you would not have supported me." I say honestly.
"Shane, I have always loved you and I have always supported you. The world is always changing so it changed my prospective on things and I had a feeling you were slightly Gay. No Offense." She says hugging my from my side.
"Non taken mom, Thank you for everything and for loving me for who I am. I really do appreciate everything." I said.
"Now when are we gonna start planning the wedding?" My mom asked.
Hello!! I have decided to continue this story!! Do you like this new chapter?! What do you think? Comment, Vote, and Follow!😄😄

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