Chapter 12

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*Joey's P.O.V.*
As I walked up to Shane's front door I had my earbuds in my ears.
That's when Lisa said," Joey get those damn headphones out of your ears and act like you are happy."
I shrugged and placed my arm around her waist. I wasn't really interested in her. I was more afraid of her. I can't help but notice that she is using me to get back with Shane but, I know he won't get back with her. She acts like she can turn any man that's gay back to straight because she thinks she is all that. She makes herself think that she is like a model from Americas Next Top Model but she isn't. That's when she knocked on the door. My heart felt as if it was going to beat out if my chest. It seemed like years before he answered.
"Come In." He said slightly slurring his words.
"What the hell happened to your hand?!" Lisa said as if she were panicking and she were worrying about him. I knew she didn't care about me and she cared about him but wow. I'm right here she's got to at least act like she cares about me.
"It doesn't matter what happened to my hand. What matters is why you are here. So go ahead tell me, what do you want from me?" He said in a weary tone as the tears were starting to fall down his face.
"Well, Joey and I were thinking about getting married and he wants you to be his best man. I mean that is if you want too." She sighed.
*Wait! What the hell! We didn't discuss getting married!*
"No. I don't want too because you stole the only man I've ever loved from me! Why would I want to be in the same wedding as the bitch who stole my boyfriend from me?!" He screamed at her. She stood phased at what he just called her. She put her hands up to her face and began to cry.
"Get the hell out of my house now!" Shane yelled as we ran out and back to our car.
She got in the drivers seat as I got into the passenger seat. She turned the ignition and we began driving back to Lisa's house.
"I mean can you believe he called me that?! *sobs* that isn't right for him to say that!" She constantly cried about her problems. It got annoying A LOT. If she knew half of the problems I had she would just shut up.
"Well, you are kind of a bitch. No offense." I stuttered afraid of what she was going to say or do to me.
"What did you say to me?" She turned her head and gave me the death glare.
"All you want me for is to make him jealous so he will come crawling back to you. But, that won't happen because he is emotionally attached to me. That move you pulled back there was a bitch move. Now, if only all your fans knew about how much of a asshole you really were." I said trailing my sentence to the end.
That's when a flat hand delivered a smack in my face. It stung like fire on my face. Tears started falling from my eyes and left a trail of tears down my face.
"Shut the fuck up your opinion is not needed." She grabbed my wrist and twisted it. "Stay quiet. I'm tired of hearing your attitude.
I sat there shaking as Lisa was twisting my wrist. That is when I heard a pop noise that came from where she was holding.
"I guess I'll have to take you to the hospital. Again. Uh you are so stupid. Just don't say anything to anybody about this say it was an accident." She sneered as she turned the car around to go to the hospital.
I walked in holding my wrist after the long wait in the waiting room I went with the nurse to room 281 and plopped down on a bed covered in paper. She began asking me if I was allergic to anything and if I had sinus problems and so on. When she was finally done talking she walked her way over to me to check my wrist.
"What happened?" She asked in a kind soothing tone. One that I am not used too.
"I was trying to fix something under the house and something heavy fell on my wrist." I said completely lying to her. I'm pretty sure she knew I was lying because she gave me a suspicious glance.
"Do you know what fell on your hand?" She questioned me with a sour look.
"No ma'am I have no idea what fell on my hand." I lied.
"The doctor will be in shortly." She said as she set down her clipboard on the doctors desk.
I looked down at my wrist to see how red a swollen it was. I was afraid that if they found out what actually happened to my wrist and what they would do to her. I was mostly afraid of what she would do to me. I was worrying about how much she would hurt me and how she would Torcher me.
That is when the door opened and the doctor walked in.
"Okay Mr. Graceffa, everything is fine. Now, let me see that wrist." The doctor said reaching out for my arm.
"Don't tug on it too hard, it hurts." I said shaking. To be honest, I was afraid on what he was going to do if he found out that it was no accident and that Lisa actually did it.
"Well, Joey, by how it looks it's not broken. The bone is simply out of it's socket plus, it's swollen a lot. I'll write you a prescription to brig down the how swollen it is. You rub it on 3 times a day. After two days you can push it into place again." He said slightly smiling.
"Alright." I said.
He gave me a paper for the medication he was making take for my wrist.
Right as I went to exit out the door he said," Sir, I know I am not entitled to ask this but, did somebody do this to you?"
I wanted to speak up and tell the doctor everything about Lisa and how terrible she actually was. How she mentally and physically hurt me. How much I needed his help. I needed somebody to tell me I was worth something to somebody. All Lisa did was make me feel like I was worthless and that nobody cared about me. I felt as if I was just somebody's play toy. I felt as if I was a MMA fighters punching bag.
"Yeah, I was working under the house and something heavy fell on my wrist." I said slightly stuttering.
"Okay, have a nice day Mr. Graceffa." He said hesitating before he smiled and waved me away. I got back into the car.
"Is it broke?" Lisa sneered at me as she began driving away.
"N-no it's not." I stuttered as she shot dirty glances at me.
"Good. Now I need to drive you back to your moms house, right?" She said in a rough tone.
"Y-yes. I w-won't say anything to her about what has been happening." I said as tears began building up in the corners of my eyes.
"Good choice." She said focusing on the road.
"Get out of my car." She said directing me out of the car.
I opened the door an walked into my house to see my mother cooking in the kitchen.
"Hi Joey, you hungry?" She asked me in a kind soothing tone of voice.
"No mom I'm not hungry mom. But thank you for asking. What time is it?" I asked politely.
"It's 10:30,"she smiled and pointed at the clock.
"I'm gonna head off to bed." I said giving her hugs and kisses.
"Goodnight Joey." She said.
I walked to my bedroom and sat down on my bed. On my night stand I had a 5X7 picture of Shane sitting on my desk.
"I miss you so much." I said as I picked up the photograph and held it tightly against my chest and sobbed the more I thought about him.

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