Chapter 13

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*Shane's P.O.V*
It was about 12:00 a.m. when I received a text on my cellphone.
"Ugh what the hell is somebody doing up this late texting me?" I groaned and I rolled over and grabbed my phone.
(5) Missed Calls From Joey
Wow! Wait- this could be Lisa pranking me just to get me back.
But, what if it is Joey?
I quickly speed dialed him and put the phone up to my ear.
*ring, ring, ring*
"Hello?" He said indicating that he had been crying.
"Hey Joey. Uh- why did you call me?" I asked suspicious thinking Lisa put him up to this.
"I n-need you L-Lisa hits me and hurts me." He began to sob.
"I need you Shane please help me before it's too late."
"Joey, what has she done to you?!" I screamed.
"She slaps me and makes fun of me. There is no point of her calling me any more names because I already feel worthless as it is. Shane I need you to save me." He continued to sob.
"Joey, I am here for you. I love you Joey. You aren't worthless you are an amazing person that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But, if you don't want me the same way, I'll still care. Can I come over?" I said panicking.
"Y-you can come over my mom is in bed already just be sure to be quiet when you get here." He said.
"Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes." I said.
I hung up my phone, grabbed my keys and a coat and headed out to my car. I started the car and turned on the radio on full blast.
The song that was on the radio was
"Keep Holding On" by Avril Lavigne.
"You're not alone, together we stand. I'll be by you're side you know I'll take you're hand. When it gets cold and it feels like the end, there's no place to go you know I won't give in." I sang alone with the song as if I were her.
After that song was over I sped to get to Joey's as fast as I could. It took me about 8 minutes to get there.
I opened the door quietly and sneaked upstairs up to Joeys bedroom to see him sitting on his bed in his blue plaid pajama pants on with no shirt on.
*Boy, he sure looks sexy.*
*No! I can't think about how much he looks like a model right now. He needs me.*
Around his eyes were red rings where he was crying.
I walked over and say down on the edge of the bed.
"Com'on over here Joey." I said patting next to me.
He scooted over by me. I missed this closeness. I missed feeling his body next to me. He put his hand on my cheek.
"I missed you Shane." He said leaning in.
"I missed you too Joey." I said closing the gap that was in-between us.
He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I pulled him closer to me to where he was sitting on my lap. After about 20 minutes of making out, I saw his beautiful signature Joey smile. When he was with Lisa, he pasted a fake smile on his face. It has been so long since I have seen his true smile on his beautiful face. I looked at his night stand to find a picture of me leaning up against a tree acting like a cool kid when in reality I wasn't. It was my first day of my senior year of High school when that photograph was taken. My mother must've given it to him a while back without telling me.
"So tell me what Has been going on since well, you got out of the coma? How's life been?" I asked him.
"Um- well, when I woke up Lisa was by me freaking out and I asked her who she was to me and she said my girlfriend so uh we got together and week after week I began regaining my memory and I remembered you and on e I told her she hit me. Ever since then she has called me all of these names and well basically made me want die." He said trailing the last few words off in the distance.
"Joey..." I said pulling him closer to me. I placed my face on his shoulder and began to sob.
"Why would you think of something like that?" I asked still sobbing.
"I'm sorry, Shane..." He said to me crying as well.
"M-my life has been a l-living hell since you left m-me am now you want to d-die?" I sobbed harder.
I grabbed the end of my sleeve and pulled it up. It reveled 3 scars.
"Shane, I had no idea. Why would you do this to yourself?! I t-thought you were okay!" He cried harder.
"I am s-sorry J-Joey I didn't mean to hurt you." I said.
I turned and looked at the clock that was on his wall. It was already 3 a.m.
"I should go, you need your sleep. I love you goodnight." I said quiet.
"Actually, it would be good morning." He giggled and blushed.
"W-would you like to get back together with me?" I asked him slightly blushing.
"Wh-what about Lisa?" He asked me in a panic type of tone.
"We could get her arrested and sent to prison for abuse." I said puffing out my chest as if I were superman.
"You really think that'll work?" He asked me.
"I don't think it will work, I know it will. Besides, what will she do? It's not like she's going to try to murder one of us, right" I asked him trying to keep a calm tone of voice.
"I wouldn't underestimate her.." He mumbled under his breath.
"Uh, I should get going. I love you Joey." I said blushing.
"I love you too, Shaney." He said smiling and winking at me.
*what was t-that f-for?!*
I walked back downstairs and out the door. When I got into my car I checked my phone.
(1) New Message
I opened my messages to see a restricted number texted me.
(?)~ You better leave him alone or else.
What do you think?! 😄

Shoey: Joey Graceffa X Shane DawsonWhere stories live. Discover now