Chapter 7

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~A/N: The usernames are ones that I made up in my imagination. If there is somebody who actually have those usernames. They did nothing wrong~~
*Shane's P.O.V*
I pulled out my phone am began to Vlog.
"Hey what's up guys?! So Joey began to breath again! The doctor said if he continues to improve then I get to bring him home with me in 5 days! Yay." I stopped recording and began to scroll through my comments on my last video.
DerpyKawaiiFace_21 commented," You gay faggot go kill yourself nobody wants to hear about your stupid fucking life so just die."
FuzzyRainbows commented," @DerpyKawaiiFace_21 Hey! Don't talk to Shane like that! He is a life saver!"
DerpyKawaiiFace_21," @FuzzyRainbows Oh you are just like him a faggot and a queer! Its not like that dumbfuck Shane even reads the comments anyway. He only does YouTube for money he doesn't care about any of his "fans"."
Ouch. That hit me to the chest hard. It felt like somebody was holding a shotgun and shot me. I realized why it hurt so much too. It was because I know somebody is on the other side of the screen and was saying that stuff directly towards him.
I commented," @DerpyKawaiiFace_21 Why do you feel the need to say stuff like that to me? I am not a so called "Faggot" or "Queer" in fact, nobody is. I DO care about my fans I do not do YouTube just for money. I do it for my fans. I like having people out there that I can "talk" to but, I know that with all of the good people, there is going to be negative people and you fall in that category. Got a problem with my videos? Don't watch them. Got a problem with me? Get over it because I am not going anywhere. So what, I am gay. Got a problem with that? Leave me alone am move along because I am not going to change. If you have a problem with me being who I truly am walk along because I am not going to stop being happy for nobody."
I posted the comment for the world to see. I also added," I am not going to kill myself. I have a high self-esteem and I am not depressed." After I posted that I hadn't realized that in reality, my self-esteem was going down I didn't realize how low my self-esteem got just by reading that comment. I began to think of myself as nothing but a Worthless piece of trash on the side of the road. Than I began thinking of death.
*no no Shane stop it!*
I immediately pushed those thoughts out of my head. My phone began to vibrate.
Missed call from No Caller ID (2)
It began to ring again and I decided to pick it up.
M: Hello. Who is this?
?:You Faggot trying to act all innocent and special because you got everything I have ever wanted you got Joey you've got EVERYTHING I have wanted now I am going to take that away from you. I'll have fun watching your life fall apart from the seams and when you fall to the ground I'll be standing there pointing and laughing at you. Have a good night Dick.
I hung up and glanced around my kitchen to find knives.
*No don't do this Joey needs you!*
I groaned and walked back to the living room where the movie "Zombieland" was playing. I threw my phone down on the couch and watched the movie.
I woke up to find the TV off and me laying down on a pillow. Hmm, mom must've done this. I got up, walked to the other side of the room, and picked up my phone to check what time it is.
"Ugh, it is only 12:30a.m." I said aloud hoping my mom wouldn't wake up. I began to vlog again.
"Hey what's up guys? It is 12:30a.m. Here in Los Angeles. I just wanted to let everybody know that, well, I might be quitting YouTube. Yes. You heard me correctly. Ever since Joey has been in the hospital nothing interesting has been happening in my life so what's the point of me vloging daily if nothing has changed since the day before? Well, I haven't quite decided yet but yeah bye."
Me saying that I may quit YouTube because my life isn't interesting sucks. I know people look forward to me post my videos and stuff but, my life seems too bland for me. I don't even understand why people watch my videos. Maybe I shouldn't quit maybe I should.
A/N: Did you guys like that chapter? What did you think? Feel free to message me on my Kik:Gil_Beilschmidt_8
Thanks for reading!! 😄

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