Luke Imagine (For Niya)

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A/N " OMG...25K! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS VOTED. AND READ. AND REQUESTED IMAGINES. BECAUSE WITHOUT YOU I WOULDN'T HAVE EVEN ANY WHERE NEAR WHAT I HAVE NOW. THANK YOU! My imagines may take longer to upload in about 2 weeks from today because that's when I start school :(! But this imagine is for @ScrewingZaynMalik :) I hope you enjoy" ALSO! If you guys could check out my story "Beside you" that would be amazing!!"

A/N "Im writing this one a little different than usual"

**Niya's POV**

As I said good night to my father I shut my door and immediately started getting ready.

I found the shortest shorts I could find and then put my half shirt on. I put glitter above my eye lids and started teasing my hair.

As far as my dad and everyone else knew I was sleeping or studying. That's what they believe my whole life revolves around.

I'm in my freshman year of high school and I already know I'm going to college...Harvard. Well I haven't gotten accepted but my dads left me no choice.

After I finished my hair I slipped my black vans on and opened my window. I was a pro now to sneaking out my window.

I saw my boyfriend Zach at the end of the driveway and I immediately ran into his arms.

Of course since I was the smart one of the school I had to date the football captain. Like your typical high school story.

But Zach was acting different tonight.
As I hugged him I felt his hands go lower down my body. Then I heard him whisper in my ear "I want you so bad".

I immediately backed away from him and and shook my head. But he came closer again this time trying to kiss me.

I backed away yelling "Zachary stop!" I never call him by his full name. But as I backed away he said the words that would change my life forever.

"I was right. Just because you act all bad and dress like a slut doesn't mean shit. Your still a goody two shoes. We're over. Call me when you turn into a real bad ass."

So that's exactly what I did.



**Niya's POV**

Waking up with a hangover on a Monday morning was something
I was used to now. I finally figured out how to separate family and school life from my "bad ass" life style.

I have friends from different school districts so that when I go drinking with them no one will be suspicious.

If my whole school knew me as the brainy one I wanted at least some people to know me as a rebel.

As I lazily awoke from bed I felt my phone vibrate. I checked it and it flashed telling me I had a new message from ashton.

I go to a Christian school so a lot of the people here are no fun. But ashton goes to a different school and he's older than me.

He's two years to be exact. So I'm 17 and he's 19.

I guess you could say he's like my best friend. We go drinking together and go to parties all the time. He has no idea that I'm a goodie goodie.

As I opened his message it read "Hey slut ;) last night was fun! Skip school today so we can hang?!"

I sighed as I thought about my perfect attendance. I haven't skipped school ever. Not even Kindergarden. I messaged ashton and said "Sorry douche bag but I have a no more skipping ban. I've skipped too much this year. Sorry"

I laughed realizing that me and ashton have some pretty harsh nicknames for each other. But that was our friendship.

I slipped into a quick shower and as I came out I checked my phone again "Niya were hanging out right after school so text me when your out."

I sighed knowing that ashton didn't just want to hang out. But you were used to it.

As you continued your school day when it was finally out you saw ashton waiting for you. But you saw him with two other boys. Boys from your school.

"Shit" I mumbled apparently loud enough for ashton to hear. He looked at me and said "What?"

I shook my head and said "Nothing" Luke and Calum looked at me in shock as Ashton said "Here's the whore." He hugged me after and laughed.

Luke and Calum looked extremely confused which made sense as they know I'm the goodie goodie.
But luke looked more like he knew something

Ashton started walking saying how we had to hurry to the party. You dragged your feet obviously not being in the party mood.

Luke trailed off and walked with you as Calum and Ashton walked ahead.

Luke looked at me and said "Niya what's going on?" You sighed and looked at luke saying "Im not as good as you think I am. I party with Ashton almost every night."

Luke smirked at me and said "I figured. I knew you were friend with Ashton and that's usually the type of people ashton hang out with."

I looked at luke and said "Am I really a slut luke? I've never even had sex before. And that's all ashton calls me. And it hurts."

Luke looked at you and said "Your not a slut. Your a beautiful human being. Who is pressured by her parents to do her best. Your just confused on who you are. And once you figure that out, you'll be set."

Just as I was about to make a move on luke I arrived to the party. And I was about to show luke who I really was. Or was I?

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