Ashton Imagine (For Morgan)

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A/N"OKAY! IM AT 800 READS.....THAT'S 200 away from 1000! I AM SO IN LOVE WITH ALL YOU LOVELY PEOPLE READING THIS! AND TO TOP IT OFF I SEE 1D and 5SOS TOMORROW! But anyways this imagine is one of the two I promised @Morgansunflower :)! Oh and if anyone wants to request a calum or luke imagine that would be great since I haven't had any in a long

time! :) oh and HAPPY 4th OF JULY AMERICAN READERS! :)

(I know ashton is almost 19 but I just had to change his age for the story)"

Parties. Are one of your favorite and one of your worst things to do. You always seem to get drunk at them but you always have a good time. But having a good time results in Ashton getting pissed at you.

You really aren't supposed to drink because you and Ashton are only 17. That's why Ashton gets so upset when you do.

Tonight you and Ashton are going to a party and you know for sure that there's going to be enough alcohol to fill a river.

Before you walked up to the door Ashton grab your wrist and pleaded to you "Morgan please don't get wasted tonight. I want to take you home without hiding you from your parents."


After that you stomped away from Ashton making sure that you were to drink extra tonight.

As soon as you walked in you got a drink and let the cool liquid burn your throat.

Within 30 minutes of being there you were already smashed and you were being encouraged to chug another drink.

As your head pounded all you heard was "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG" while everything spun around you you desperately called out "Ashton please take me home. I don't feel well."

Then someone came up to you and said "Sweetheart Ashton left, he didn't even come into the party."

You felt even more mad than you already were at Ashton and dialed his number into your phone.

He sounded like he was crying and said "Hello?" You slurred your words saying "Aston yoooou ar ah dickk aaand I haaate you." You heard a click and realized he disconnected you.

As you suddenly sobered up a bit you realized you had no idea where you were. Ashton took you to the party and was supposed to take you home.

You sat on the sidewalk and started to cry. You saw Michael come up to you and he knew exactly what was going on. "Morgan Ashton told me what happened and I'm here to take you home."

You spoke up even more pissed that Ashton sent Michael in the middle of the night "SO WHY THEY FUCK DIDN'T HE PICK MY UP." You said with tears streaming down your face.

Michael hugged you and started walking you towards your house. Michael didn't say anything as you trash talked ashton. He just let you yell. Which made you feel good.

As you arrived to your house Michael snuck you through your window and then said good night to you. As he left you took your phone and texted Ashton "Who ever the hell you think you are I know for sure your not my boyfriend. We're done. And I know real classy I'm breaking up with you over text but your too much of a

Coward to be with me in person. I'm an embarrassment right?"

As you woke up the next morning you had a text from Ashton that read "Sorry that my aunt was in the hospital again really sick and that I had to leave to go see her. Sorry I left to see her one last time while your ass got drunk. So break up with me I don't give a shit. I fell in love with you. Not an alcoholic."

You started crying realizing you didn't even know half the stuff you did last night. The last thing you would ever want to do is break up with Ashton.

You pulled on some jeans and a hoodie and immediately made your way to Ashton's house to clear things up.

As you walked into Ashton's house everyone was crying due to the event that happened last night. Ashton's mom was full on crying so you started to cry.

You hugged her and then she told you where Ashton was. He was sitting in the backyard by himself. He had his head in his hands and his body was shaking.

You came over to him and hugged him. He tried to pull away but you interrupted him. "Ashton I know what I did was wrong. Even if I was intoxicated. But I love you. And I really don't want to loose you. Your my everything."

Ashton looked at you and said "Morgan. I love you so much. I didn't mean to say what I said. I'm sorry I was such a dick about the drinking thing. I mean your right. I'm not your father."

You leaned closer to ashton and kissed him lightly on the lips until you felt him kiss back. You pulled away and said "Forgive me?" Ashton kissed you and said "I forgive you."

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