Michael Imagine (For @1D_Stole_My_Heart)

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A/N "OKAY! I'm SOO sorry if you told me your name! But the comments on my stories are acting up and won't let me read them! The only way I knew your username was I wrote down what people want but I forgot to write your name and I can't look to see it! I feel terrible and I'm so sorry! :( BUT OMG 18K AHHHHHH! I can't breathe! I'm such an amateur at these but I am so happy you guys support me! I love all of you who read this. You all mean so much to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Well I hope you like it! <3"

Ass hole. You never thought you would use those words to describe your boyfriend Michael but that's exactly how he's acting.

You came to visit him in LA because he was gonna be there for another month and he wanted you there for the last show of the TMH tour.

Michael has treated you like shit ever since you got here. He was trying to show off in front of everyone but it wasn't working for him. It was working against him.

Calum knew he was bothering you so he stepped in and said "Michael tone it down a bit. Your being harsh on (Y/N)"

Michael looked at him and said "Okay doctor phill." Michael gained laughs from everyone causing him to turn into an ass even more.

You were brushing off what michael was saying until he let a low blow off at you.

He looked at everyone and said "(Y/N). she was a nobody before me. She was one of those suicidal freaks. She said I was the reason she's alive. I thought she was being kind of creepy when she said that but she was hot so it was okay."

You now obviously pissed and hurt you stood up with tears brimming your eyes and said "And Michael. Before he met any of you people. He was the sweetest guy ever. He was also a nobody, but he liked it that way. And when I recall last he didn't think I was creepy when I said he saved me. He said that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to him."

The room grew quiet as tears started cascading down your cheeks. You ran out of the room as fast as you could. You crawled into a corner and just sobbed. You couldn't believe the words that had just come out of his mouth.

You heard from the other room this time ashton get up and start yelling at Michael. "MICHAEL. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. You know what kind of state she's in after what happened with her mother why would you ever say something like that to her. The littlest thing can trigger her. I hope your happy."

You peeked your head around the corner and saw Michel start to get up but Calum pushed him back down and said "Haven't you done enough?"

You heard foot steps growing louder and as you peered up your puffy teary eyes were met with Calum's.

He leaned down and hugged you letting you cry into his shoulder. Once you finally calmed down you looked at Calum and said "Am I really a freak?"

Calum looked at you and said "No! Don't even think that. Michaels being a real dick right now. Just ignore him."

You hugged Calum and started to get up. You figured even if you didn't want to you had to get ready.

As you went to get dressed you made sure to look your best to show Michael what he's been missing.

You put your hair in loose curls and then applied your makeup. As you finished getting ready you heard the door creak open.

As you turned your head you were met with Michael. He was looking at you with eyes of regret.

You tried to stay strong and not let the words he said get to you but you were too defeated.

A tear escaped from your eye causing Michael to come closer and wipe it away.

You swatted his hand away and the more tears continued to escape. The only thing you could choke out was "Don't you ever touch me agan."

Michael looked taken back and said "Well then why are you still here."

You looked at him with anger and said "I'm here to see my 3 best friends perform. I'm here to support them. Not you. Have fun and good luck."

You stormed out of the room and walked over to Calum, Ashton, and Luke.

You hugged them all and then told them "Good luck boys. I'm so so proud of you!! I know you'll do amazing."

They all smiled at you and then said "Don't worry about Michael tonight! Just have fun and stick with us."

You nodded your head and watched as they got ready for the stage. Ashton was on first getting to the drums.

As soon as he entered screams erupted causing you to grin. Then on went Michael. Then Calum and then Luke.

As the boys performed you took some pictures and stood with Liz most of the time.

You helped Liz take some photos but you couldn't help but notice Michael starring at you the whole time.

You started to feel uncomfortable so you made your way back stage. You sat there for the remainder of their performance until you heard the door open.

It was Michael again. Just as you were about to say something Michael interrupted you.

"(Y/N) I can't let you go. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me. Without you i'm nothing. Your my everything. I know I shouldn't of said what I did out there and I'm so so so sorry that I did. But remember love is unconditional.

Not under any circumstances do we not love each other."

You looked at him about to cry again and kissed him. You pulled away and said "Please don't ever do that to me again. And I promise you. Ill never ever stop loving you."

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