Ashton Imagine (For Katie)

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A/N "AHHHH! My names Katie too! :") But I started a story guys and it's called Beside You! I'm not gonna stop with the imagines so don't worry!! Also THANKS SO MUCH FOR 20 K LIKE AHHH OMG 20K that's ridiculous! I love all of you! This imagine is for KatieH_1D. I hope you like it!"

1 week. 1 week is all you have. Just 1 week to let this boy know how much you love him. How much you need him, and most importantly how much you'll miss him.

Ashton is in Australia for a week before he has to go to London to tour. You and Ashton have been on and off for a couple months now.

The long distance thing strained your relationship but you guys thought you would try it one last time.

Butterflies are all that you'd feel if you were around ashton. He would always make you nervous. But in a good way.

He was also your savior. Your dads very abusive and ashton always seems to get you through the rough patches. He would always ice and kiss your newly earned wounds.

But today he wasn't there to save you. Your dad was drunk and he was full on punching you. Leaving welts all over your arms.

When you finally got away you called up ashton and was surprised when he yelled at you. "What Katie I'm busy."

You started to cry on the phone so hard you weren't even audible. But ashton just hissed at you more saying "Katie go tell your problems to someone who cares I'm busy recording."

You hung up on ashton and sat in your room hiding in fear and pain. You didn't know how much more of your dad you could take.

Your dad came running in and this time smashed your head into the wall. You felt an excruciating pain in your head and then felt something dripping from it.

The last thing you remember was passing out. When you finally woke up it was light outside. You must of passed out for a while.

You went to check your phone and had seen Ashton messaged you quite a lot. The last one saying "Okay give me the silent treatment. Ill give it back to you."

You threw your phone and went to feel your head. Their was a decent size bump. You were lucky it was just a bruise but to be safe you took matters into your own hands and covered it up as best as you could.

You had school today so you got up and got ready. You knew you would be late because you slept in. But when you went downstairs your dad was already gone.

You spent 30 minutes trying to cover up the black eye your dad gave you yesterday. You skipped breakfast and went straight to school.

As you entered your 3rd period class you saw ashton give you an angry look. You just ignored it and sat in front of him.

As the teacher continued teaching Ashton started rubbing your arm. He must of noticed your knew wounds.

You heard him whisper to you "Katie when was this?" You looked at him with anger and said "Last night. You were too busy to help me."

Just as Ashton was about to reply the teacher called his name saying "Ashton here's the rest of your papers since your leaving for tour. Good luck Ashton!"

Ashton took the papers and smiled at the teacher. Then the bell rand signaling everyone to move. But as you entered the hall you were pulled aside by Ashton.

"Katie." He said with sorrow. "I can't leave you knowing that your mad at me. I'm so sorry that I was rude to you last night. I should of came over to help you."

You looked at ashton and started to cry. "ashton what am I gonna do while your gone. Who can I runaway to. Who is gonna save me because I don't know how much more I can take."

Ashton pulled your face up towards him and kissed you saying "I won't be gone that long I promise."

You looked at him with more tears threatening to spill and said "Don't promise me things you can't keep."

You stormed off away from Ashton totally leaving school and going home. You knew you didn't have to worry about your dad while Ashton was gone because your dad was leaving.

You had called the cops and he's being taken away. Since your almost 18 and have no mother but a job the cops are letting you stay alone.

But you just wanted to see how much Ashton cared about you. Which he obviously didn't.

You sat in your room crying for the remainder of the day until Ashton came over.

He looked at you and had a huge grin on his face. You looked at him and said "What does my pain bring you joy?"

Ashton was one of the only people you could talk to about your dad because he knows what it's like not having one.

Ashton looked at you and said "I wanted to wait until your birthday but here!"

You looked at the piece of paper he placed in your hand. It said "Departure: Australia To: London"

You looked at Ashton with a smile and said "I can't leave school!" He looked at you smiling and said "It's already taken care of."

He then came closer to you and said "I told you I wouldn't be gone that long. I always keep my promises."

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