Ashton Imagine (For Victoria)

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A/N "OMG! 4K READS AND 72 FUCKING VOTES! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I CAN'T EVEN. THIS IS INSANE! I don't think I've ever gotten over like 100 before so this is amazing! :")! Thank you all so so much for reading and voting and commenting! I love all of you! :) This imagine is for @VictoriaProcter :) I hope you like it! and keep requesting in the comments if you want one!

2 a.m, 3 a.m, 5 a.m! How is it that all those times go from 8 p.m. Lately you've been fed up with your boyfriend Ashton.

He's been working on an album and your proud of him for that but why does he always have to disappoint you. You make dinner for him and everything and then end up throwing it away when he gets home 7 hours later.

It's 3 a.m and you've been sitting on your couch crying for the past 2 hours. Your just so upset that you never get to see your boyfriend anymore.

You heard a door open and then you heard it shut. You looked up and saw Calum standing in front of you. You saw worry on his face and he held you saying "What's wrong Victoria?"

You rested your head on his shoulder and said "Ashton. I can't remember the last time I've seen him besides him getting into bed."

Calum hugged you and said "I know. He does try his best but I guess it's not good enough."

You sat in calum's arms enjoying his warm embrace. You felt your eyes turn to his lips. You didn't even think before you crashed your lips into his.

But suddenly you heard "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS." you pushed Calum away and looked at Ashton who was now crying. You felt even worse due to the fact he had a rose in his hand.

He barely spoke up saying "Calum please get out." His voice cracked at the end which broke your heart. You started crying as calum left and then Ashton looked at you.

His eyes were droopy and his lips were in a pout. He looked at you with disappointment and said "How could you?"

Now you being less calm and more angry spoke up saying "HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD YOU JUST WALK IN EVERYDAY WHEN IM ASLEEP AND THEN LEAVE WHEN I WAKE UP." Now your voice getting more weak and defeated you said "Do you not understand Ash how bad that's killed me. Do you even know how many nights I spend crying.

I kissed Cal because it was just in spite of the moment. I was that grateful that someone was there for me ash."

Ashton got silent and slowly slid his back down the wall until his body met the floor. He closed his eyes and you noticed tears cascading down his cheek.

He looked at you and choked out "Victoria do you not know how many days I go into the studio crying because of how I never see you. I wrote a song about not seeing you."

You listened to ashton as he started to lightly sing the lyrics to the song "She sleeps alone my heart wants to go home I wish I was I wish I was beside you, she lies awake trying to find the words to say I wish I was I wish I was beside you."

You cried as he sang out the lyrics. You made your way over to him and then sat in his lap.

You moved his face down to yours and said "Ashton those lyrics were absolutely beautiful. I'm so sorry I complained about not seeing you. It's not your fault."

Ashton looked at you smiling and said "Don't apologize silly. You've done nothing wrong. I'm the one who's never home!"

Ashton let out a little giggle and kissed you. He swooped you into his muscular arms and carried you into your shared bedroom.

As he laid you onto the bed he turned the lights off and then laid next to you. You set your arms around his torso and cuddled into him.

He kissed your neck and then whispered to you "I love you Victoria. Please don't forget that." You turned around to face ashton and said "I'll never forget that. I love you to much."

He kissed you and then you both peacefully slept BESIDE (;D) each other.

A/N"See what I did there ;)"

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