Luke Imagine (For Meghanxoxo13)

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A/N"AHHHHHH! IM SO CLOSE TO 2K! I am so appreciative to all of you who read,vote and request imagines to me! You all mean so much to me! :) but anyways! Meghanxoxo13 you didn't give me your name. I assume it's Meghan but I don't want to take any chances so ill just write (Y/N) :)ALSO! Id prefer to get some luke and calum imagine requests but if you guys want ashton and Michael ill do them!!"

"(YYYYYYYYYYY/NNNNN)" You heard Luke drag your name out as he called you over to him.

You and Luke usually walk home after school every day together. Mostly so you can make sure Luke's okay.

But today he said "(Y/N) lets go to your house and then ill just walk home after!" You hesitated before you answered "Okay Luke"

You didn't like the idea of him walking home alone but you thought you'd trust him. He's come a long way.

Luke ran up from behind you and picked you up spinning you around to face him.

For once in your life you looked at him and saw pure happiness coming from his eyes.

Luke went to kiss you but you pulled back saying "Nope I'm making you wait until tomorrow!" As you said that all of the happiness from Luke's eyes drained and his face went pale.

You looked at luke confused and said "What's wrong babe?" He shook his head and smiled saying "It's nothing! Just thinking about what we should do for our 1 year tomorrow!!"

A sudden wave of relief washed over you and you looked at luke saying "Ill race you to band practice." He looked at you saying "Oh it's on."

As you started running luke caught up to you fast and picked you up. He continued running stopping occasionally to kiss you.

Luke is usually never this affectionate. But you didn't question him because you liked this side of him. You liked it better than the numb side. The side you meant 1 year ago.

As you arrived the familiar garage of Ashton's house luke set you down and you sat in your usual spot. Ashton calum and Michael all came over and said hi to you.

Ashton looked at you guys and said "The lovebirds are late for practice. Shame on you!" You started giggling and turned your attention to your vibrating phone.

It was a text that said "From: Lukey Poo

Hey Babe! So I was thinking for tomorrow we have a picnic in the field. You know just like when we had our first date? Well at least half of it :)"

You thought back to your first date as the boys rehearsed. Luke was still going through a terrible time.

He was still contemplating life and death. If it weren't for you today he may not be here.

You remember being all nervous. When you first saw luke that night you couldn't tell what he was feeling. That was one thing he was really good at. Hiding his emotions.

You remember being so happy, and in love. Seeing him enjoy himself. Something he wasn't used to.

Luke has social anxiety. He gets super shy around people and then beats himself up for it. You remember that walk in the field.

You remember the blade he pulled out of his pocket. You remember him saying how much you've helped him and how he was so happy after being fiends with you for 4 years he could call you his girlfriend.

You remember him saying "I took you here today. Not just so I could spend my last moment with you. But so I could peacefully pass away in your arms."

You remember screaming his name in terror as he cut deep. You remember being covered in blood as he collapsed into your arms.

You remember rushing to the emergency room. But the most painful memory you have is waiting. Waiting to see if he was okay.

"(Y/N) (Y/N)" you heard ashton yell. You drifted from your thoughts and noticed you had been crying. You were so deep into thought that you cried.

You saw luke lower down in front of your face and he knew exactly what you were crying about. He knew the message brought back horrid memories.

He engulfed you into a huge hug and then told the boys he was going to take you home.

As you walked back to your house it was silent. The birds chirping in the background were the only thing you could hear.

You walked hand in hand with luke and set your head on his shoulder.

Once you finally arrived to your house there was a note on the door. It read "(Y/N) we wen't out with some friends! Won't be back until tomorrow, love you-Mom and Dad."

You smiled at Luke knowing he could stay the night without sneaking around. But luke didn't smile back. He just turned around getting ready to leave.

You yelled out "Luke! Come here." He turned around looking at you confused and said "I have to go home. We have a big day tomorrow!"

You nodded to luke and walked into your house. As you laid in your bed that night you couldn't help but think what was wrong. You knew you couldn't read luke but you knew when something was wrong.

As the clock ticked you eventually fell asleep. You woke up in the morning feeling excited. You checked your phone and saw *One new message from "Lukey Poo

You did as the message said and got ready. You wore the same dress you wore the first date you two had a year ago.

Well it wasn't the exact dress because that was stained in blood. You perfected your hair and then headed off to the field.

You practically skipped with joy as you took your short journey to the destination. But as you arrived that joy went away.

You saw luke covered from head to toe in that all familiar liquid. You came racing over to him and tried to stop the blood coming from numerous cuts on his wrist.

He looked at you crying and smiling and said "(Y/N) I love you. I know I tried to do this a year ago but you saved me. You saved me from death. I'm so happy that you've tried. You've tried your best to fix me. Talking to me every night, making sure that I was okay. But I can't go another day being invisible. I can't go another fucking day saying why didn't you do that luke. Why didn't you say hi. Why aren't you the favorite of the band? Oh that's right your too sh-"

Luke's voice started to shake as his eyes were slowly closing. He looked at you one last time and said "I can finally pass in the place I've always wanted. I love you."

You ran as fast you could to the nearest hospital. As he was taken in you called up his family.

Then you called up the boys. You checked your pocket and found a note in it signed "Lukey Poo

"(Y/N) If your reading this then I've accomplished what I've wanted. I'm so sorry I've left you this way. I just couldn't handle the pain anymore. Your the first person I've ever loved. Your the first person to make me happy. And most importantly your the first person to listen. Please don't let me going run your life. I want you to create a family. I know it will kill me to see you love again but it will also let me know your happy. Just remember every single star you see up in that sky, one of them will be me. The one shinning the brightest. Ill be up there cheering you on. Your biggest fan. Hoping nothing but the best for you. I love you so much (Y/N) and I hope to see you again. Ill always be your guardian angel. - Lukey Poo"

You held the note close to your heart and sobbed. You crossed your fingers hoping he was okay. Hopping you would get to hug him again. Or feel his warm lips against yours. The feeling of 10 million sparks bursting from your mouth.

But this time it was different. You didn't have to wait. It was too late. The doctor came out and gave you the news. Luke was gone. He was in a better place.

But most importantly he got what he wanted. He got to pass in your arms. He got to feel your body heat one last time. He got to say the words that mean the most to you "I love you."

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