Part Five

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"Leigh wake up." A voice said tapping my shoulder.

I Yawned slowly opening my eyes, looking around my surroundings I noticed that no one was in the plane just Mrs. Sarah and I.

"We made it." She said taking out her iPhone giving me a quick look over, she cringed mumbling something under her breath as she continued to type something on her device.

I grimace not liking my view either, Mrs. Sarah in my eyes was a wicked witch she was quite beautiful yes, but when you truly get to know her and figure out who she truly is you will figure out she's really a devil.

"We will be meeting Mrs. Smith near Starbucks since she's running late." I rolled my eyes, not really caring.

She shook her head at my attitude before making her way in the front of the plane. I sighed rubbing my eyes in frustration as I stood up from the uncomfortable small seat, grabbing my toiletry bags from the overhead bins.

"Today is going to be horrible." I mumbled to myself, as I made my way out of the airplane.

I continued walking cursing Mrs. Sarah out and mumbling how close am I to be pulling her long hair out.

"Welcome to London!" A flight attendant said giving me a large grin in excitement.

I blinked slowly nodding my head as I made my way out of the plane following Mrs. Sarah, thankfully she didn't mention or say anything to me as we made our way out of the crowded airport.

As I got outside I never notice how beautiful London truly is, I mean it looks way better than the pictures you would see on tumblr. I smiled looking at all the billboards as I walked down the busy streets with Mrs. Sarah feeling her glance at me as she continued talking on the phone.

I wonder what it would be like if I was with Terry and Casey traveling the world together just like we planned.

*Flashback *

"Oh and we could go and see the Eiffel tower together and finally prove everyone wrong." Casey said laying on the floor giving me a slide glance, I chuckled nodding my head in agreement as I leaned my head against the old wall.

"I just want to travel the world with you guys, because you guys are family, the only one I have left." I mumbled.

Terry scoffed rolling his eyes in amusement.

"You guys are such girls." He said laughing as we glared at him. I looked over at Casey nodding my head in agreement as we got up and jumped him.

He laughed harder as we tickled his neck.

"Says the one who laughs like a girl!" Casey said as I continued to torture him with my hands, I smirked poking his sides as he contained to jump trying to push me off.

"I'm sorry I'm-haha okay I'm sorry!" He shouted.

I got off giving him a large grin as he wiped the tears out of his eyes.

"I love you dorks so much, together forever!" Casey shouted lifting her legs up in the air in excitement.

"Forever!" We all shouted together in Terry's small apartment complex.

We may not be blood related, but they will always be the perfect family to me- to us.

* *

I looked down at my black torn vans that showed my bright green socks in frustration, as I continued thinking about my frie-family that I left behind.

I wonder what are they doing right now are they still making funny jokes about Mrs. Sarah, are they looking outside on top of the roof like we always do, making wishes about goals they want to accomplish before we will never see a wink of sunlight ever again.

"Leigh do you want anything?" I looked around in the crowded Starbucks not sure how long we were in here. I shook my head looking for a place to sit, and ignoring the fact that I've gone soft for a quick second.

I glared looking around the area, spotting an empty seat near some teenagers who looked around my age. I quickly made my way over to the empty table, taking a seat facing one girl, and a guy from the other table.

Not really caring about the annoying teens, I slouched placing my head on the table not even caring how dirty it is while closing my eyes.

I groaned hearing more loud laugher erupt from the table. At times like this I really wish I had a damn phone so I could block out everything around me and blast songs all day.

"Oh yes I'm glad you made it, Leigh is really excited to meet you!" I heard Mrs. Sarah say in a fake tone, if only people knew who she really was. I rolled my eyes mocking her voice as I heard them approach the table.

Looking I faced Mrs. Sarah and I'm guessing Mrs. Smith her hair was neatly placed in a tight bun, while she had on a long black and white sun dress, not to mention the expensive looking necklace across her neck.

Everything screamed elegant and rich!

She smiled showing her perfect white teeth giving me a large smile, "Hello, Leigh-Anne I'm glad to finally be meeting you!" She said reaching down to give me a hug as I awkwardly wrapped my hands around her.

Mrs. Sarah laughed at my discomfort, as I tried moving away so she can let go of me.

"Sorry I just I get so excited!" She said taking a seat across of me, I notice the girl from the other seat was no longer talking, Instead she was looking at me which caused my to give the best glare I could master causing her to quickly turn around.

"I know you just got here Leigh but tomorrow I can show you around if you want, but I have to warn you if I'm not home on time my daughter can show you around." I slowly nodded my head not caring who will decides to show me around.

"You will start school next week since you need to settle down and everything-" I zoned out looking through the window as she continued talking, at a point I noticed the sky started to turn dark giving it a more gloomy look.

I sighed getting up from my seat telling them I need to use the restroom, I quickly opened the doors walking over to the sink looking at my reflection. I looked down at my red crop top that said "believe" and my old black ripped jeans, I looked so average.

Running my hands through my hair, I heard the toilet flush I looked noticing the girl who was staring at me in the booth. I huffed closing my eyes for a quick second as she gave me a side glance.

I quickly walked towards the door ready to leave but her voice stopped me.

"I really like your outfit." She said in a thick posh accent.

" thanks?" I looked over at her outfit she had on a plain pink jumpsuit that could make your eyes pop out due to how bright it is, I slowly blinked trying to get my eyes to focus anywhere but her jumpsuit.

She looks like a highlighter.

"..I like yours too I guess?" She laughed as I cringed in discomfort.

"Well I'm going to go, bye highlighter." I announced quickly making my way out not even caring that I called her a highlighter. I quickly made my way to Mrs. Smith who was waiting for me outside.

"Are you ready love?" I nodded my head following her to her car.

TroubleMaker ( Leigh Anne Pinnock)Where stories live. Discover now