Part one

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I glanced at Mrs.Sarah with a bored look as she continued her 'important' phone call with the idiot who decided to adopt me out of everyone in this orphanage hell out of every state matter of fact.

I mean there's a many teenagers here in the same age range as me, and yet they decided to pick me which sounds a little odd, because since I was 8 years of age no one took a second look my way, well the ones who were up to no good did but to the majority of people who step foot in this orphanage they always told Mrs. Sarah I wasn't 'presentable' as the other girls.

Instead of me wearing dresses, I had on washed out jeans and a old baseball tee with mud stains all over it. Usually girls at that age had cute little bows on there hair, and cute little curs but I purposely made sure to do the opposite I refused to brush my hair and made it look lifeless.

Another reason was because I was never girly. I was more of a tomboy back then Instead of playing with barbie dolls I was with the boys smashing trucks together, making mud cake made of worms and any other insect we would find, and fighting.

I still do fighting actually, street fighting to be exact I usually do it if I'm shot o money or if I'm pissed which is often but also because it's fun I love the rush of energy I get yeah I can possibly get killed and it almost happened to me a few times but it's something I like and its fun.

To this day I guess you can say I'm still a tomboy, I just dress different now instead of wearing baggy basketball shots, I wear jean shorts and a few times I wear crop tops but I'm not into stuff girls my age would be into.

Mrs. Sarah gave me a small smirk before mumbling 'yeah she can be a handful' followed by a few chuckles.

I know she's doing this to get on my nerves but I won't let her get to me this time, Instead of listening to her conversation I decided to look around the familiar office.

I stared at the familiar white chipped walls bringing my curious eyes up to the ceiling. Squinting I watched small droplets of water drop down in a small blue bucket, in the corner of the room.

This place is literally a shithole.

"Okay thank you! I will gladly tell you more Information about Leigh when we fly out there goodbye!" Sighing in delight I gave Mrs. Sarah a smirk.

"Leigh what a lovely surprise." She said flashing one of her many fake smiles "what do you want. Today?" She asked placing her hands in front of her.

"I'm going out." I said giving her a small smirk before getting up from the old office chair.

"I'll be back around 2am or so." She raised her eyebrow before standing up as we'll.

"I don't know who you think you are young lady but you will not be leaving this building, you are going to stay here just like everyone else is!" She exclaimed in anger as she marched up to me, I laughed shaking my head in amusement.

"Well you are a little late to be yelling at me about that, because my ride is here!" And with that I raced out her office racing down the corridor that lead the way outside. Once I got outside I quickly ran towards the black suv and made my way inside.

"Took you long enough." Terry scoffed looking at me through his rear view mirror as I put my feet on the armrest.

Terry is like my other half we've known each other since we were about 14 years old, and irresistible ever since wherever I was he would be somewhere around. I guess you can say we are like siblings.

"So where too?" He asked. I felt the chilly wind hit my cold cheeks causing me to wind up the windows, as terry continued driving faster.

"Anywhere, let's just get away for a few hours." I mumbled.

I haven't posted in forever!!! I don't think anyone reads this anyways lol.

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