Part Four

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If you already know that Mrs. Sarah and I don't get along. I'm sure you can understand that I officially hate her guts.

For one, not only she's making me move all the way over to a different country I have never been, she also woke me up really early with a slight boom per say.

Believe me I know what you are probably thinking and its probably along the lines of "You officially lost your shit, or what the hell are you even talking about." but Im telling you now I surprisingly haven't lost my mind yet which I will soon but since I'm calm now let me tell you what happened exactly.

It happened at exactly 5:10am I was sleeping perfectly fine until a loud object dropped on my bed followed by a few curse words, And that is when it went all wrong.

I got up as quick as possible since I didn't know what the hell was going on!- I mean could you blame me? I was half asleep, And to my own surprise I knocked over Mrs. Sarah, who was standing in front of me holding a cake dropped right on the floor.

Did I mention with candles?

That's another part where everything went wrong, I mean it would've been simple if no one woke up, but of course that was impossible since Mrs. Sarah was screaming bloody murder! Instead of simply putting out the fire some kids woke up not too far from my bunk, and decided throwing towels, and paper over the fire would make it stop.

So now here I am standing outside in the cold drenched due to the sprinklers going off, tired since I had no sleep at all, mad because I could've been sleeping and not leaving this damn place, and nothing would have happened about the damn fire.

"At least smile a little." A voice mumbled.

I frowned turning my head to the side looking at Jane, Or better known as the "golden girl" especially to Mrs. Sarah I mean she could never do anything wrong in her eyes.

Ever since I was little, I would always be compared to Jane by teachers, friends, and Mrs. Sarah It was like I could never do anything right, and never will when she's  around. 

"What?" I scoffed, watching her wrap a blue blanket around her body. I rolled my eyes staring straight ahead watching cars pass by with curious faces.

Stupid people.

"I mean smile more... Most of the time I see you.. Well you look like shit, and mad at the world for no reason!" She exclaimed with an attitude. Sighing in anger, I ignored Jane irrelevant comment and started to count out loud.

"1..2..3..4..5..6-" I felt my body relax as I closed my eyes and continued to count, and think of positive things.

I used to be in counseling because I had a bad anger problem I was a hothead I still am but I got better supposably so I didn't need anymore counseling sessions but they told me if I didn't have my stress ball with me I should close my eyes and slowly breathe in and out and count until I felt calm again, but right now it's not helping since I got Interrupted yet again.

"Why the hell are you even counting?!" Her voice screeched. I opened one eye and my other one in annoyance as I glanced at her face I sure as hell wanted to punch her.

"Because it calms me." I spat out clenching my fist. Her eyes widened at my tone making me want to smirk. I know I probably scared the shit out of her but I couldn't bring myself to laugh or smirk since my anger is high in the air so I did my best and counted clenching and un clenching my fist until my fingers grew weak.

After a few moments of silence I sighed hearing Mrs. Sarah yelling out orders to whoever pissed her off. As on time I heard my name being called multiple times. Standing up from my suitcase I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Wait Leigh I'm sorry I pissed you off-" I glared cutting her off adding "You always do, so please leave me the hell alone." She shook her head pulling me towards her.

I watched how she tightened her hand on my wrist and reached in her pocket.

Confused I started to struggle, trying to let her let me go "What are you doing?!" She ignored me taking out a black round object. I watched as she used her free hand to open my palm and place the object in my hand.

"It explains everything in this usb please watch it until you think the time is right."

What is it with everyone giving me stuff today?

I slowly nodded my head not knowing what to say.

Turning around I grabbed my luggage and started to walk towards Mrs. Sarah who was still calling my name.

"Things might not be easy to you now, in fact I know it isn't. I can see right through you Leigh. I know you can't reach the light yet it's like you keep digging yourself a deeper hole that leads you to no where, but I want you to know that you will find that light."

Right when she said those words it hit me hard, but I didn't dare to turn around or show any emotion, I continued to walk closer and closer to Mrs. Sarah and my new dreadful life.

"Are you ready to go?" I slowly nodded my head throwing my stuff in the trunk of the car and made my way inside. I turned around facing Casey who smiled grabbing my hand in assurance.

"Ready." I whispered.

"Have a safe flight make sure to call from the house phone when you get home, here's your flight information, and other important documents that you have to keep." I cringe as she mentioned 'home' but decided to ignore it, and grab the documents.

I quickly put on my seat belt, as Casey started the car and started to drive out the drive way.

Man I'm truly going to miss this place.

I watched how Jane got up from the grass and sprinted towards the car holding a sign, I rolled down my window ignoring the cold air hitting my face.

"SMILE LEIGH, SMILE TO NEW BEGINNINGS!" I chuckled watching the white poster hit her face a few times.

I looked at Casey who was grinning causing me to smile.

"TO NEW BEGINNINGS!" I screamed.

I Don't know what shocked me the most, the fact that I was smiling, or a small tiny part of me is actually looking forward to moving away.

I watched as she stopped running and waved at me until I couldn't see her anymore.

And that was the last time I seen my best friend


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