Part 12

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Hey xx guys I really need u guys to give me 20 votes for this next chapter here x 

Please comment and fan as well xx

Hey this is Victoria's POV before Bella runs away to seattle x








I pushed back the collar of my victims shirt; sinking my sharp teeth into his neck. He whimpered slightly as I finished him off, his eyes rolling back into his weak human skull as I kicked the pathetic carcass away. I felt the burn in my throat lessen slightly but I was still not satisfied.

They had warned me of this. 

In my frustration I picked up the forgotten body and flung it against the brick wall of the dark alley. I growled apreceitivley as I heard the satisfying crunch of his spine snapping.

The young man lay limp on the floor like a rag doll, drained and lifeless. I could no-longer smell the delicous smell of hot blood on him; he was of no use to me. 

I wiped my mouth with the back of my sleeve; it had been white cotton once, but now looked more musty rose pink as the dried blood and dirt smudged against it. 

I hadn't changed my clothes in days, they were dirty and ripped but I had relied on my Vampire beauty enough to know I could lure any man into a dark alley if I wanted to. This one had been particurly easy to catch. I smirked as I remembered the sick look of lust as I placed a pale hand on his shirt as if to unbutton it. 

Foolish human; how wrong he had been.

He had attempted to scream and yell as I bit into him. I hated the ones who screamed; such an inconvienience. 

I had brought a granite fist to his stomach, making him double over in agony as my blow broke a rib. I had pushed his weak body against the brick wall as my instincts took over and I fed. 

-And yet I was still not satisfied. 

I snarled in anguish as the fire in my throat blazed once again, a full human bloodstream doing nothing for my appetite. 

Many humans would die tonight. 

-And I would feast. 

I walked out of the alley at human pace; frustration boiling through me as I had to hold back my strength.

James would have scoffed at the rules; no-one told him to walk, no-one told him to do anything. I felt my heart throb with loss as I remembered he would never be able to defy anyone or anything again. 

I would kill them for what they did. 

-But for now I must wait.

Disguise was key to our mission.

I dropped the hood of my ripped coat over my blood stained locks as rain started to fall from the heavens that our kind were barred from. 

The rain didn't affect me of course; but it looked suspicous walking around in barely anything in the heavy autumn rain. 

I cursed under my breath as the roads began to fill with people, the party-goers of tonight falling into taxis while the agitated early-risers surveyed them with disaproving eyes; their blackberry's alerting them to the 5:00 am conference they were meant to be attending. 

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