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Louis-my family is already here ugh

Niall-I'm sorry, I won't be there until very late

Louis-as long as you get here

Niall-I'm actually in the car now and I don't want my phone to die talk to you before I get there xx

Louis-okay love

Louis put his phone in his pocket and greeted the rest of the family. The family always arrived hours early because they can and it bothered Louis. They all are annoying homophobic cousins, uncles, and aunts.

"Louis hi it's been so long." My aunt said hugging me.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"I have been good what about you."

"Good, are we going to be meeting a princess tonight?" Louis sighed. This aunt, his aunt Cassy, was, if he had to choose, his favourite. She understood him and would listen but he didn't know if she was homophobic.

"Well there is a possibility of you meeting my prince." He said prince almost in a whisper.

"Oh a prince, does your mother know?" He shook his head almost ashamed for his actions. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Louis you love who you love but it would be better to tell her now then her see you dancing with some boy later." He nodded and the aunt went off and greeted one of his sisters.

He excused himself and pretend to use the bathroom to talk to his mother.

"Mom can I tell you something before you head down stairs?"

"Sure sweetie what is it?"

"What if this potential candidate was a boy?" She was quiet. Louis felt scared as it he was about to get hit or something bad.

She then faced him and smiled lightly.

"Well do you care about this boy?"

"Yes I do I really do, it only been a few months, I haven't asked him to be my boyfriend but I know he would be amazing by my side." She looked torn.

What went through her head was the fact that Louis would be breaking tradition. It's a King and Queen running the country not a King and King. She walked up to him and smiled.

"If he makes you happy then I don't care. But don't tell your father, let him see you with him because then he will feel guilty to go up and say something." Louis nodded and hugged her tightly. They both headed back down and greeted the starting of the guest.

Soon night fall was upon them and Louis was getting nervous. Niall should show up any minute. He couldn't wait to hold him and hear his laugh in real life. He even imagine kissing the blond.

The light music got a little louder so it could be heard for the slow dancing. Louis sat at the table watching couples get together and start stepping back and forth with a turn or swaying. A few girls came up but he kindly shut them down. His dad started getting suspicious.

But before his dad could walk over and say anything Louis felt a tap on his shoulder.

"I'm waiting for someone?" He pushed them off.

"Well I thought you were waiting for me? Maybe I was wrong." Louis turned around to see the beautiful blond.

"Niall?" He questioned and Niall replied with a smiled and a "yep"

Louis brought him into a hug.

"Let's dance so my dad doesn't interrupt us." Louis said grabbing his hand and bringing him where all the couples were dancing.

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