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Niall-my friend went to the movies today and said he saw the prince


Niall-that's it

Louis-did your friend say hi at least?

Niall-yea he did, says his sister looked like she was going to faint

Louis-why he is just a guy

Niall-says you

Louis-what is that's supposed to me?!

Niall-if he is just a guy why defend him, it's not like you know him

Louis-actually I do


Louis-I think I have told you that to

Niall-I don't remember then sorry


Niall-what's got you snappy

Louis-well I told someone some information that can get them to know me, the real me and I thought about it and how I might have really fucked up our mutual thing we got

Louis-I was thinking that I could be normal with this boy, someone who can really be my friend

Niall-well if they really care about you they will stay and you obviously know the difference between a friendship and someone who only wants your money

Louis-I know but I don't want to worry about it, especially the fact I might have a small crush on him

Niall-awww Lou boo got a crushhhh

Louis-you just turned into my sister

Niall-my "feminim" side just burst sorry lmao

Louis-its fine I bet

Niall-you bet what?

Louis-I meant to delete that just ignore it

Niall-No tell me!!!!!

Louis-it's stupid



Niall-don't ignore me

Louis-sorry my app was updating

Louis-I was going to say I bet you look cute when you do that, be all "feminem" especially if it's how I think it is



Louis-please tell me your not scared away

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