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Louis-maybe ....

Niall-you barely know me how can you have a crush on me

Louis-then tell me about yourself, stuff that you haven't tweeted about or that's in your bio

Niall-wellllllllllllll idk I kinda tweet about everything

Niall-oh wait!!! I haven't changed my bio yet, I have been meaning to put that I help teach kids how to play guitar

Louis-aww that's so sweet

Niall-anything specific you want to know?

Louis-do you like boys?

Niall-I honestly don't know

Louis-oh we'll talk to me a bit longer and I will make sure you know ;)

Niall-HAhah sure I think I'm straight

Louis-whatever you say babe ..


Authors Note
The chapters will be shorter I think so I can do more. I didn't want Niall finding out so soon

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