•Chapter #10•

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Andrew's POV

I guess I do like Rachael.

I learned I shouldn't wait or be afraid to be rejected. I just went out and asked her.

If she doesn't feel that way about me than that is her choice not mine.

"Hey? Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?" I asked.

She smirked. "Are you asking me on a date?" She asked curiously.

"Yes. Yes I am." I said proudly. She smiled and laughed. "Of course. Here is my number." She said.

She grabbed a card and a pen and wrote down her number. I smiled and looked at the card. She wrote on the back:

Call me
(wink wink)

I loved her personality.

I wrote down my number and gave it to her. She blew a kiss and I pretended to grab it and put it in my pocket. She laughed and I waved and I walked away to find the guys.

Peyton's POV


I need to choose.

"First. Lance. He is a sweet guy. Well.... He was a sweet guy. Now he is a total jerk face. So.... I guess not." I said to myself.

I took out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote:

Lance ❌

"Dylan. He is sweet. Kind. Lovable. And perfect. But I know perfect doesn't exist. So he is a no." I said marking his name off the list.

Lance ❌
Dylan ❌

"Andrew. He protects me. Worries about me. Makes me smile and laugh. He helps me. He.... cares about me. A lot." I said.

I felt different. "How did I not notice this. He actually cares about me. No one has ever cared about me as much as he does." I said pacing around the room.

I thought.

He was right.

He is my one.

My one and only.

I felt so bad.

I've kept him waiting.

For so long.

I remember the day of my first break up, what happened. And I should of listened to that.


"HELP ME! What am I going to do!?" I screamed panicking.

"Peyton! Don't worry about it! Many many many people have broken up. You'll get another boyfriend. Anyways, you are only 15 you have your whole life to figure it out. Anyways, that relationship lasted ONE week." Andrew said trying to calm me down.

I paced and paced. I was breathing so hard. Panicking.

"How will I find someone I trust. He cheated on me for his cousin! His freaking cousin! I will never find my one and only." I said and fell on my bed covering my face with my sweaty hands.

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