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Chat Noir looked over at the digital clock that sat beside the hospital bed. The large, glowing red letters read 10:26 p.m.

"It's late, I should be going," Chat sighed. But despite his words, the cat didn't move away from Marinette. He still laid there, with the girl wrapped in his strong arms. He placed his chin on the top of bluenette's head, and he caught a whiff of her strawberry shampoo. He felt relaxed, and smiled slightly.

"You still have school tomorrow," Marinette said sleepily.

"Going to school won't be the same without you, my lady," purred Chat Noir.

Marinette winced, "please don't call me that."

"But why not?" He pondered. Chat Noir felt a shaky sigh come from Marinette as she spoke.

"Because I'm not your lady, Ladybug is."

"Mari," he said concerned, "what are you talking about? You're Ladybu-"

"I'm Marinette! I'm clumsy, nervous, and awkward, the list could go on!" She silenced him.

Chat Noir unwrapped his arms from around the girl's waist, and instead ran his claws through the bluenette's soft, medium length hair. After he brushed through it, he parted it into three, seperate chunks, preparing to braid it.

"You're Marinette, stunningly beautiful, very intelligent, super talented, and adorable, the list could go on," he spoke, as he braided her hair. He found one of Marinette's red hair ties that she uses on her pigtails on the side of her bed. "You're Marinette, the girl I fell in love with" Chat twisted the hair tie at the bottom of the simple braid he did with her hair. "I don't care whether it's the super heroine side of you, I don't care if it's the "clumsy, nervous, and awkward," side of you. I love every single part of you, Marinette."

"You're so cheesy, Adrien," Marinette called him by his name. "I love you too."

Chat had to slide out from under Marinette without hurting her. So he shimmied off the bed, and the teen girl got comfortable as she could in the uncomfortable hospital bed. He slowly bent down, and loomed over Marinette, before his lips connected with hers. The kiss didn't last long, before Chat Noir had to dash away into the night, and run back home.

Then, making sure the coast was clear, a shadow appeared from the shadows of the room. It wore a black hoodie, and Marinette knew all to well who they were.

"You?!" Marinette gasped with fright. Tikki, who was still snoozing on the white pillow, was awakened by the vigorous jolt coming from Marinette.

"Do not worry, Marinette," The hooded figure spoke. "I know you're Ladybug, but I have not come to hurt you."

Should I trust them? Marinette asked herself. She glanced down at her kwami, who was studying the mysterious person carefully. The blunette glared back at them.

"How can I be sure? Who are you anyway?" Marinette asked.

"Well because I won't tell you who I truly am, how about you call me by a nickname?" they said, then placed their hand on their chin as they thought if a nickname. "How about Peacock? That's a nice nickname for me."

Marinette snickered, but was quick to slap her hands over her mouth. Peacock! Are you kidding me?

The strong urge to laugh was gone, when Marinette remember the damage Peacock did on her. This person wasn't normal, so what were they?

"A-are you an akuma?" Marinette asked them. A look of disgust grew on Peacock's face.

"No way, akuma are such terrible creatures," they said, "I'm a normal human being."

"B-but then h-how did you take me d-down?!"

"It's a secret. But I didn't take you down, you aren't dead," Peacock inched closer to the bed, "and I'm not going to kill you, don't worry."

"D-D-DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" Marinette yelled, she tried to scoot away from Peacock, but that just ended up her hurting herself again, and almost falling off the bed. But just in the nick of time, Peacock swooped in, and caught the girl before she collided with the floor. Peacock had moved so quickly, and gracefully, as they held Marinette bridal style. The figure set the shocked Marinette back into her bed.

"You don't have any reason to trust me, and I understand that," Peacock said, "but I assure you that I will not harm you, just as long as you don't hurt me."

"And how would I hurt you?! News flash, I'm stuck in a hospital bed!" Marinette sassed back. "I couldn't even lay a finger on you, even if I wanted to!" the sass soon turned into rage, "and because I'm at bed rest, akuma will be able to roam the city, everything will go to ruins."

"I promise that there won't be any more akuma, at least, not while you're immobile," they swore to Marinette.

The bluenette glared, and scolded, "I have no reason to trust you! You put me in this situation in the first place!"

The figure backed away from the bed side, and towards the window Chat Noir forgot to shut.

"Sorry about that, but you'll soon learn why I did that," they waved to Marinette, "goodbye, until next time." Peacock jumped up on the window ledge, and fell backwards out the window, with their arms straight out. They let gravity take them, until they reached a ledge on the wall, and grabbed onto it, and kept they from splatting on the ground below.

Meanwhile with Marinette, she was still scared out of her witts. Should she believe the person who was about to murder her? Or should she choose to not trust them, and try to figure out who Peacock is under that hoodie?

The writers block hasn't gone away fully yet, but I just felt like I should update.

I don't have much to say for this chapter, because nothing really happened in it, other than some MariChat.

So I'll see you in the next chapter, bye-bye!! 🐞🐱🐞

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