Spider Dance

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(Marinette P.O.V)

This whole week, has been awesome! Nobody asked me about the note, there haven't even been any akuma attacks! Then best of all, Adrien and I are talking on a regular basis! He even considered me a friend. I learned so much more about him, like his flaws, fears, more about his life, everything! And he has learned a lot about me, too. Other than the whole, Ladybug thing.

Chat and I still go on patrol. But there haven't been any signs of trouble. Only a few petite crimes here and there, but that's about it. Even though I see Chat Noir as Ladybug, I never see him as Marinette anymore. The late night visits stopped, I guess hes too busy. It's some what a shame. I enjoyed his company, I missed him calling me princess, believe it or not. Marinette missed him.

Friday night, and I'm about to go out for patrol. Then I get a text from Adrien.

Adrien: Hey Mari!

Me: Hey Adrien whats up?

Adrien: I dont have any photoshoots or lessons on saturday, wanna go do something?

I smiled to myself, then let out a giggle. Tikki came flying over to me, "Are you two going on a date~" Tikki teased.

"It's noting like that Tikki! It's just two friends, going to hang out!" I blushed and hid my face behind my hands. A ding came from my phone.

Adrien: if you dont wanna do anything, thats fine. i understand.

Me: Sorry i was doig smthing for my parents. I would love to do something with you!

Me:*doing *something

Adrien: Great! how about the park and icecream?

Adrien: I'll stop by your house and pick you up. Okay?

Me: Yeah, sounds good

"Sounds like a date to me~" Tikki laughed even more.

Adrien: I gotta go. see you tomorrow!

Me: I do too, see ya!

"I can't believe I'm hanging out with Adrien tomorrow!" I squealed. And threw my phone on my chaise.

"That's great and all," Tikki said, "But now we need to go on patrol."

"Yeah yeah, alright. Tikki, spots on!" I shouted. Once transformed, I leaped out of my room, and swung my yo-yo across the roof tops. The wind swept across my face, it felt so refreshing. The moon, plus all the Paris lights, shown brightly in my eyes. I went and patrolled on my side of the city, everything was clear. So I headed to the place Chat and I would meet up afterwards. As I neared meet up place, I saw a black silhouette sitting there, legs dangling over the side. I knew it was Chat. He looked so, peaceful.

"Hey," I said quietly so I didn't completely ruin the peaceful moment, but loud enough to be heard. He turned his head slightly, and I was greeted with a pair of bright green eyes.

"Hey, m'lady," he smiled, stood up, and walked over to me. His ears flicked around, listening to something. And his tail twitched.

"Any trouble on your side of town?" I asked. He shook his head, "me neither."

"Do you know why there haven't been any akuma attacks?" Chat Noir asked me. We both went and sat on the edge of the building, looking over the city and all the twinkling lights.

I sighed, "no, you'd think that in this whole city, there would at least be a few people that could be akumatized."

"Do you think that he is planning something?"

"I really have no idea at this point."

The air was thick, then speak of the devil, a group of screams were heard in the distance.

"Let's go!" I yelled and we dashed away. The screams were coming from around Adrien's house. I was filled with worry, is Adrien okay? Or, is he the akuma?

As we hopped, jumped, and soared, Chat was in front if me. He ran the hardest, and his expression, oh his expression, his sad, terrified expression.

Once we arrived at Adrien's huge house, we saw the akuma. It looked terrifying, probably the most scariest one I've ever seen. A human-spider hibrid stood in front of us. The spider, bottom half of them was purple, and the torso part of the akuma was normal, human skin. The akuma was a girl, that was for sure. She had long, black hair that pulled back in a bun, and the left side of her bang tips were dyed red. She wore glasses, and had one pair of normal, blue eyes, and six pairs of other, spider like eyes. Chat Noir's breath hitched a little, as he looked at the akuma. Did he know her?

"Chat, is everything okay?" I asked as I watched him eye the akuma.

We heard in the distance, screams and cries.

"No, please don't let it be..." Chat said under his breath, "Ladybug, find the akuma."

So he must know the akumatized person, that's why he looked so scared.

"I can't tell where the akuma is hiding, while from back here in the shadows. Lets go," I said and we leaped out into battle. Chat decided we should split up, so he went behind her.

"Ahuhuhuhu," the spider akuma sang as she danced around, spinning webs. The webs were all different shapes, knife shapes, and then there were shapes of our miraculouses. "I can sense the greediness all the souls around here, and it's disgusting." the akuma looked down from her spider web at me. She smiled, a wicked smile.

"Oh, hello there, miraculous weilder," she giggled, "would you like to join me, in a little spider dance?"

Chat ran behind her, "snap out of it, Nathalie!"

Her eyes popped a little bit, out of surprise, but then that smile made it's way onto her face once more.

"Ahuhu, I'm sorry, young mister, but I am no longer the Nathalie that once served you," She jumped up, on a web that was above her, and cackled. "I am now, The Weaver!"

The Weaver looked back an down at Chat, and said, "Oh, you're not my young mister, but you two sound so alike."

Wait, wasn't Nathalie the name of Gabriel Agreste's secretary? I remember her addressing Adrien as "young mister" a few times when she would call him, or talk to him. Hm, must be a coincidence?


(Adrien P.O.V)

Oh, no no no no! She recognizes my voice? Even as an akuma, Nathalie remembers my voice! Is Ladybug going to figure it out? Is she going to find out, that I'm Adiren?

And I'm all done with that chapter. Now I just gotta figure out how I'm gonna write the next part...

Also, who knows where I based The Weaver off from?? Cause if any one figures out where I got the personality and spider part from, that would be awesome!

See you in the next chapter, bye-bye! 🐞🐱🐞

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