Who Are You?

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Ladybug dodged left and right, and used her yo-yo to deflect any knives that came her way. The one who had assaulted Ladybug, had all sorts of knives, like meat cleavers, butter knives, hunting knives, and regular old, kitchen knives. The many blades seemed infinate, as the akuma threw them with ease.

Ladybug dashed into an alley way, hoping that she had invaded the akuma for just a little while, as she called up Chat. She pressed the middle of her yo-yo, and immediately called her partner. She was panting, and worn out from all the dodging she had been doing, and held a cut on her right arm she had received from one of the sharp, stainless steel blades. A few rings, and Chat Noir finally answered the call.

"Hello, my L-" Chat said, before being cut of by Ladybug's harsh whispers.

"Hurry up and get over here, there is an akuma, I need you he-" Ladybug spoke into the yo-yo device. A sharp, stinging pain ran through her knee cap, side of her stomach, arm, she was paused in her tracks. Her face froze in place like a statue.

"Ladybug? Ladybug!" Chat hollered, and lept across rooftops even faster. While he was still on the call with Ladybug, he checked the tracking in his baton, and scooped out her corridnants. He heard her breath hitch, and she screamed in grave pain.

"Oh shoot, I didn't mean to hit you directly, honest," the one who had been chasing Ladybug spoke, and they cracked a wicked smile. "And just for your information, I am not an akuma, nor have I been possesed in any sort of way." The figure said, and balanced a knife by it's blade on the tip of their finger. The person's voice sounded feminine, but evil.

The bluenette super hero cried out because of the excruciating pain in her right leg, and throughout her whole entire body. There was a throwing knife wedged into her knee, a chef knife sliced in her side, and smaller, littler knives in other places. She went down to the hard ground in a crash, every time she moved, Ladybug would sob some more, and jolts of pain would travel through her body. It hurt so much that it couldn't be put into words. They only way she could express her pain, where through the chokes, and sobs, and rivers if tears flowing down her mask from her pain-struck eyes.

"Hang on Ladybug, I'll be right there! Stay strong, please!" Chat pleaded, as tears stung the corners of his green eyes. He couldn't see her, but he knew that she was in a lot of pain, just by the sounds she made.

Chat ended the call just as he arrived at the Eiffel Tower, and he quickly found Ladybug from the scent of blood, she was on the concrete ground, almost passed out, with a pool of her own blood surrounding her. He saw the figure standing above Ladybug and still balancing the knife on their finger. They wore a midnight black hoodie, and the same colored jeans, with black and white Nike tennis shoes. Maybe they weren't an akuma, because they surely didn't look like one. The hooded figure looked over at Chat, who was bolting towards them, baton readied to fight, out of rage for hurting his lady. They smiled, a maniac like smile, before taking a, swift, jump, backwards onto the fence that stood behind them, and evaded Chat Noir's attack. You couldn't see any of the hoodes figure's face, except for their bone-chilling smile. Chat didn't want to waste much time, and wanted to beat this person to a pulp, but when he heard Ladybug crying, and saw her trying to remove a knife. He didn't wait any longer, before hurrying to the partner's side. He closely examined the knives lodged into her. How is that even possible? He asked himself.

"Chat- b-be caref-ful," Ladybug had trouble breathing, and she started to black out, and she felt her grasp on her conscience slipping. The cat turned his head, and looked over his shoulder at the figure still standing on the fence right behind them. They quickly threw their hand up into the air, and with such grace, with a flick of their wrist, then all the knives that were stuck in Ladybug's body, came loose, and went flying back to the persons hand. After they hand the assortment of knives returned to their hands, they nodded to the two super heros.

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