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Marinette told Chloè that Chat Noir had stopped by a couple times to check on her after everything went down with the Evillistrator. And how last night he came over and said that he had a bad day, she helped, he left. That was all she told her. That's the story she was going with, whenever anybody asks. Marinette couldn't tell anybody that he cuddled with her, even if he only cuddled for comfort.

Luckily for her, Chloè didn't ask anymore questions. So they walked out of that bathroom and headed back to class. Chloè went into the classroom first, while Marinette prepared herself. After a minute or two of readying herself, she opened the classroom door, and hurried herself to her seat. She kept looking down at her feet, and avoiding of making eye contact with anyone in the classroom. She could feel some pairs of eyes watching her, but none judging, they were worried.

"Don't worry about what everybody else thinks. Don't worry about anything, until you set the situation straight," Marinette remembered Tikki's words. She knew that Tikki was right, but that was hard, How could she not worry?

It was finally the end of class, and Marinette scurried out of the room as fast as she could. Alya on her heels, they got outside of the school, and were standing on the front steps.

"We should go to your house for lunch, sound good?" Alya asked. "Then, girl, you're going to tell me everything. Understand?" Marinette nodded, remember Marinette. Stick. To. The. Story. They started to walk in the direction of the small bakery Marinette's parents owned.

Two familiar voices yelled out, "Wait up!" to the girls. They stopped, and looked back at the school. Nino and Adrien were waving at them from the top of the steps. The boys ran to catch up.

"Mind if we tag along?" Nino asked the two, even though it was directed more towards Alya. Adrien was grinning with excitement, I'll finally get to know her better, without being Chat.

"What do you say, Mari, can they come too?" Alya asked, she could tell her friend was getting all giddy over the fact that Adrien was going to her house. Blush dusted Marinette's cheeks, making her light freckles pop more.

Without getting a response from Marinette, Alya went ahead and answered for her. "She says yes, come on."

As everybody was walking together, Adrien tried to start up a conversation with Marinette.

"Can I ask you something?" Adrien questioned Marinette. She nodded slightly. "Is everything okay? Are you okay?"

She smiled nervously. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. Chloè a-apologized, and I-I g-guess that I over r-reacted," Marinette said as calmly as she could. "Can we p-please not talk a-about this anymore."

Adrien felt guilty for asking in the first place, "Yes of course."

"Thank you," she squeaked


The group made it to the bakery, and headed on in. It wasn't very busy at the moment, so there were only a few people in the shop.

"Hello, Mama, Papa," Marinette waved to her parents and headed up the stairs to her room.

"Hi, Sabine, Hey Tom," Alya said very casually, following Marinette.

Adrien didn't feel so nervous around Marinette's parents like he did the first time he met them. So he also said hello.

The parents waved back, and smiled. "Marinette, are you going to introduce us to your other friend?" Tom asked.

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