Dream Come True

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"Sure, that movie sounds great! And if you get scared," Chat purred into Marinette's ear, "you can always cuddle with me."

"I don't think I'll need to take you up on that offer, I love horror movies," Marinette laughed, "and besides, it's hardly even scary."

"I'm not scared!" Chat hissed back defensively, and earned himself an odd look from the girl sitting next to him.

"I never said you were scared," Marinette said slowly. "We can watch something else if you'd like?"

"I-I'm fine," Chat said, trying to make himself feel braver. Just then, Marinette pulled Chat closer to her. She pulled him so close, that he was almost sitting on her lap. She held him, so close, and so gently. Chat Noir could feel his face heat up, and from neck up, he was crimson red. Marinette's so close... Oh my god... Shes warm... Chat's thoughts were all jumbled up in his head.

"This is only for the movie," Marinette said, "you know, so you don't get scared."

"T-thanks," Chat sputtered and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling. Why was being this close to Marinette messing with him? Was it because he felt like he was taking advantage of her, since Adrien and her had become friends?

As Marinette held him, he felt her heart beat, so strong, and passionate. He could feel a purr, coming up from the depths of his throat. And alas, he let out a sweet, purr.

Marinette, obviously trying to ignore the noice that came from Chat, she said, "no problem Chat, what are friends for?" Friends. It almost stung Chat Noir's heart. But why?

Am I, falling for Marinette?!

"I-I'm sorry, Mari, I, uh... Igottogo!" Chat Noir leaped up from the couch as fast as he could, teared himself out of Marinette's warm grasp. He quickly scurried back up the stairs, to Marinette's room, and climbed out the hatch above her bed. And Chat left, a poor, sad, confused, Marinette all alone, to watch the movie all by herself. Well, not exactly by herself. After Chat Noir dashed out of the cozy house, a little, red kwami floated her way over to Marinette.

"Tikki, what just happened?" Marinette asked the kwami, and herself.

"From what I saw," Tikki sat on Marinette's shoulder, "it looked like the little kitty cat got all emabrassed in front of his princess."

"Did, did I do something wrong? Should I have not held him so close?" Marinette questioned.

"He didn't have a problem with slipping into the same bed as you, and cuddling, then, so why would he now?"

"I think I messed up, Tikki."

"No, you didn't Marinette! I think you made things better now, just by him running away, proves hes getting some sort of crush on you," Tikki exclaimed. Marinette looked at Tikki, in hopes that the little ladybug was joking. But, she wasn't, and the teen girl could tell.

"That's not what I want at all! I don't want my partner to fall in love with me!" Marinette groaned out of frustration. "It will just make things awkward between him, and Ladybug, and that will cause us to mess up in fights! No, I can't have that," Marinette then turned off the TV, knowing she really wasn't going to watch a movie tonight, and headed up the stairs to her room.

"I can't allow Chat Noir to fall in love with me, even if that means ignoring him," She said, with determination in her voice.


Sunday rolled around, and Marinette had gotten a call from her beloved Adrien. He apologized deeply for canceling everything on Saturday, and explained to her why.

"Oh Adrien, that's terrible, i-is Nathalie okay now?" Marinette asked Adrien as they spoke on the phone.

"Yeah, she's okay now, it was really scary, Mari, I was terrified," Adrien said from the other line.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did she look like?" the girl asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"Well, let me think," Adrien bit his lip a little. "Alright, so she called herself The Weaver, and was half human half spider! The spider half was all purple and black, but the human half looked like a normal human. She had her normal hairstyle, but she had eight eyes!"

"You're right, that d-does sound scary! Sounds l-like something that would be in one of those really cool horror m-movies," She giggled a little bit. Horror movies made Marinette remember what happened the night before, and little did she know, that Adrien was also remembering last night.

"So," Adrien laughed nervously, and scratched the back of his neck, "I have to do a photo shoot today."

"R-really, where?" Marinette asked.

"Just at the park. Do you want to come?" he asked her. She nearly squealed she was so excited to be invited to a photoshoot, with Adrien!

"Yeah! I'd love t-to go!" Marinette smiled brightly.

"Great! Well, I have to go soon, but I'll talk to you later, when we pick you up. I'll text you when we're on our way," Adrien said to Marinette, who was about to explode because if how excited she was.

"O-o-okay, well, b-bye!" Marinette stuttered nervously, and bit her lip.

"Bye!" he finally said, then hung up. Marinette clicked the red end button on her phone, and making sure she actually pressed it and didn't repeat what happened to her last time, where she went to leave a voice message and accidentaly said very embarrassing things.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Dream come true!" Marinette had finally released all of her excitement at once. She ran around her room in a mess, bouncing off the walls, "what am I going to wear, oh no, what am I going to wear!"

"Calm down Marinette, I know you're excited, but you need to stop and think," Tikki said, her voice, calming the bluenette's nerves a little. Marinette took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

"I know, I'll just call Alya to help me," Marinette perked up and grabbed her touch screen phone. She had Alya on speed dial, and quickly called her best friend.

Once her friend, Alya answered the phone, Marinette rushed to tell her about everything. Everything being Adrien, and him inviting her to a photoshoot.

"I'll be over there in a second, I'm leaving my house right now!" Alya said, before hanging up on Marinette.

"I'm so glad I have a friend like Alya," Marinette spoke sweetly. She put her phone down on the chaise, then laid down on the the pink, comfortable piece of furniture. "I'm glad to have you too, Tikki, thanks."

"You're welcome, Marinette," Tikki chirped happily before dashing to her regular hiding spot in Marinette's desk drawer.


There was a tiny bit if MariChat in this one, but I promise I'll add more MariChat to the next chapter, who knows, maybe It will be a whole chapter dedicated to just MariChat?

Should I add more LadyNoir, or even some Ladrien? I'm open to any suggestion and or ideas for any future chapters!

Thank you for reading, bye-bye!! 🐞🐱🐞

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