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The last couple weeks I found myself unable to move. I'm so huge, that it takes Murr and sometimes two of the guys to get me up. I was tired, and hungry all the time, and I couldn't stop peeing. Murr and I had decided to call off the wedding until the babies were born, because I was now eight months pregnant with triplets, and I was sentenced to bed rest until I went into labor. I had a doctors appointment today which I was nervous about. The babies haven't been moving and that worried me. 

"Hey honey, you ready?" Murr yelled.

"Yeah, we need to get going. Help me up?" I yelled back. He was in the room quickly and after we struggled to get me off the couch, we descended to the street to get a taxi. I yawned. 

"You look exhausted, sweetie." James said. I sighed.

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired. I have three babies in me, and I'm almost nine months pregnant." I said. He just nodded. When we got into the room at the doctors office, the doctor began the ultrasound. 

"You've made it to eight months, and you're babies seem to be gaining more weight now that you're getting adequate rest. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"Pretty tired. Ready to have them out." I said and chuckled. 

"Well you will be nine months pregnant as of tomorrow. You're triplets are at a healthy birth weight. However, you're going to have to deliver them by a C-section. Some lucky women get to have their triplets vaginally, but the first baby is in the wrong position and that can't be fixed at this point. I'm thinking we need to schedule, and deliver  you by C-section  in two weeks or less. The babies are pretty crammed, and they're growing rapidly at the moment. Any bigger, and they could damage your uterus." The doctor informed me and James. It was quite a blunt description but that's how all doctors say things. 

"Okay then. Can we schedule it to be exactly two weeks from today? James has a whole week of work off in two weeks, coincidentally." I said. It was nice that they wanted to deliver me sooner, since I was more than ready to get these kiddos out of me. 

"Sure thing!" The doctor cleaned me up, and me and Murr went home. We planned stuff for our wedding, and finished everything we could in the babies room. We decided to make the babies room gender neutral for now. Once the babies were out and we knew the genders, we would add embellishments to make the genders obvious. 

Two weeks had now passed...the day was here. 

"Only four hours.." Murr said, hugging me from behind. I smiled. 

"Four hours. Are you ready to meet our kids?" I asked.

"I think so...the guys will be there after the babies are  out." He said. I nodded, and we left for the hospital. Once we were checked in, in our room, and I was "prepped" for the C-section the doctor/s came in. 

"You guys ready?" They asked. Me and Murr just nodded. This is what we had waited for. The doctors started rolling me down the hallways. They then rolled me through two double doors which opened up to the O.R. They set me on the table, and Murr stood by my side.

My babies would be here in a matter of minutes.

Here goes...

"WAIT!" One doctor yelled. Everybody looked around.

"WE NEED THIS O.R. CLEARED NOW! WE HAVE A MOTHER AND BABY, CODE BLUE, DELIVERY NEEDED NOW!" The same doctor yelled. "WE HAVE TO TEMPORARILY CANCEL THIS DELIVERY." Without another word, I was whisked into the room I had originally been waiting in. 

"I can't believe our delivery was cancelled." I said to Murr.

"Don't worry, they will finish up soon. I hope." Murr said. I just nodded. 

They better not cancel my C-section again. But an hour later, James and I heard sad news...I wish my pride wasn't so tall...

An Impractical Love (A Love Story With James Murray): Book 1Where stories live. Discover now